java Programming Glossary: effectively
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers not mentioned here. They all find the first n primes effectively and I have a decent method of finding the limit to provide to..
Show an animated BG in Swing image data. ImageIcon makes use of a MediaTracker to effectively wait until the image is completely loaded. So your issue may..
How to check if a String is a numeric type in Java is because the d part of the RegEx will only match 0 9 and effectively isn't internationally numerically aware. Thanks to OregonGhost..
What is SuppressWarnings (“unchecked”) in Java? just doesn't let you do what you want to and you need to effectively tell the compiler that what you're doing really will be legal..
JSF Service Layer One service method call on a @Stateless EJB counts effectively as a single DB transaction. So if an exception occurs during..
Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded little memory in each run by default 2 of the heap . This effectively means that your program stops doing any progress and is busy..
how binding attribute in JSF works Note that the concrete component instances are this way effectively request scoped they're instantiated on every request and their..
Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator? Z IFNE L8 As you can see the generated byte code is effectively identical so there is no performance penalty to using either..
Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java? . The document is all about defining hashCode and equals effectively and correctly but I am not able to figure out why we need to..
Java HTML Parsing [closed] interface to the document that is being processed which effectively makes you able to use JTidy as a DOM parser for real world HTML...
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? types makes it much simpler to work with what are really effectively values An insufficient set of types it's nice to have Date and..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability also taking account with timeouts Pings a HTTP URL. This effectively sends a HEAD request and returns code true code if the response.. the response read timeout. Note that the total timeout is effectively two times the given timeout. @return code true code if the given..
What is the meaning of “this” in Java? on new MyThisTest will print 1 42 MyThisTest a 42 So effectively you use it for multiple things clarify that you are talking..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? 1 and temp is 0. y temp y is still 0. So it's clear x x effectively does not change the value of x. It always causes x to have the..
What is the point of the diamond operator in Java 7? you are using the raw type LinkedList . Raw types in Java effectively only exist for compatibility with pre generics code and should..
Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? to be working with an out of date variable because that's effectively what would be happening... you'd be working with a copy taken..
What components are MVC in JSF MVC framework? the entity's properties in the managed bean which would effectively make the controller a model. Needless to say that this is poor..
Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface? recent edit to the question. It sounds like you want to effectively mandate a constructor like method for each implementation of..
Why use Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance vs Interfaces, Benefits of Interfaces? and Callable at the same time while both methods are effectively doing the same thing. Q3. Anyhow what is the benefit of using.. problem . There are few use cases for interfaces Object effectively has two identities a Tank is both a Vehicle and a Weapon . You..