java Programming Glossary: ellipsize
Android custom ListView unable to click on items id @ id UpdateStatusText android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee ProgressBar android id @ id UpdateProgress android..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android ellipsize end android gravity left top android lineSpacingExtra 3.0dp..
Android: TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String improve this question You should be able to use the ellipsize property of a text view TextView android layout_width wrap_content.. wrap_content android id @ id text_mytext android ellipsize end android singleLine true You may also need to apply gravity..
Ideal method to truncate a string with ellipsis str.replaceAll NON_THIN .length 2 public static String ellipsize String text int max if textWidth text max return text Start..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? android lines 1 android scrollHorizontally true android ellipsize end android paddingLeft 2sp android paddingTop 2sp android textSize..
How can I show ellipses on my TextView if it is greater than the 1 line? #000000 android layout_width wrap_content android ellipsize end android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android singleLine true.. the following android scrollHorizontally true android ellipsize end android maxLines 1 .............. the scrollHorizontally..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number 10dp android layout_marginRight 50dp android ellipsize end android singleLine true android textColor @android color..