java Programming Glossary: em.createnamedquery
define named query in orm.xml with jpa and hibernate by hibernate jpa. When I try to create my named query with em.createNamedQuery myQuery it returns that it can't find this query. I use annotation..
Disable caching in JPA (eclipselink) em entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager MyLocation one em.createNamedQuery MyLocation.findMyLoc .getResultList .get 0 MyLocation two em.createNamedQuery.. MyLocation.findMyLoc .getResultList .get 0 MyLocation two em.createNamedQuery MyLocation.findMyLoc .getResultList .get 0 System.out.println.. is why you are not getting the new results In your code em.createNamedQuery MyLocation.findMyLoc .setHint QueryHints.CACHE_USAGE CacheUsage.DoNotCheckCache..
JPA: JOIN in JPQL return a unique result then if I do String temp String em.createNamedQuery .setParameter groupName groupName .getSingleResult represent.. clause result is returned as Object Object temp Object em.createNamedQuery ... .setParameter groupName groupName .getSingleResult String..
Fixing Null EntityManger in Spring MVC application? em is null Collection Generic Generics em.createNamedQuery Generic.findAll .getResultList ModelAndView mav new ModelAndView..