java Programming Glossary: ejb3
dynamic roles on a Java EE server the principal from LDAP or ActiveDirectory. We then used EJB3 interceptors and Servlet filter to perform the security checks..
Where can i find a list of all the reference implementations for JEE6? [closed] 3 OpenJPA 2.0 Hibernate 3.5.x Enterprise JavaBeans EJB3 3.1 JSR 318 Oracle Glassfish 3.x RI Apache TomEE and OpenEJB..
Java EE 6 vs. Spring 3 stack [closed] Would you care to explain what makes EJBs heavy since EJB3 Do you realize that we are not in 2004 anymore I'd really like..
Besides EAR and EJB, what do I get from a Java EE app server that I don't get in a servlet container like Tomcat? all these on your behalf declaratively. With the advent of EJB3 if you need container managed services using one is a good thing...
Hibernate noob fetch join problem because the Hibernate annotations overrides the EJB3 fetching options. See Lazy options and fetching modes..
Performance comparison of Thrift, Protocol Buffers, JSON, EJB, other? deserialization for various messages sizes comparing EJB3 Thrift and Protocol Buffers on Linux Primarily languages will..
Hibernate Annotation Placement Question type used by Hibernate will be field or property. The EJB3 spec requires that you declare annotations on the element type.. property access the field if you use field access. Mixing EJB3 annotations in both fields and methods should be avoided. Hibernate..
Java EE Architecture - Are DAO's still recommended when using an ORM like JPA 2? me and I'm happy to write less code. More resources JPA EJB3 killed the DAO DAOs Aren't Dead But They Either Collapsed Or..
Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level EJB3 JPA container level transactions and isolation level Consider..
Batch inserts with JPA/EJB3 inserts with JPA EJB3 Does JPA EJB3 framework provide standard way to do batch insert.. inserts with JPA EJB3 Does JPA EJB3 framework provide standard way to do batch insert operation..... achieve batch insert. But would like to know if EJB3 have a support for this... java hibernate orm jpa batch insert..
Howto secure webservices on GlassFish 2? webservices on GlassFish 2 We have some staleless EJBs EJB3 deployed on a GlassFish 2 server that expose some of their methods..
Should I use EJB3 or Spring for my business layer? I use EJB3 or Spring for my business layer My team is developing a new.. to use for our business logic. The big argument is between EJB3 and Spring with our biggest concerns being scalability and performance.. are my questions What are the arguments for or against EJB3 vs Spring What pitfalls can I expect with each Where can I find..
What exactly is Java EE? was then a much better alternative to EJB2. But since EJB3 Java EE 5 6 the EJB API was much improved based on lessons learnt..