java Programming Glossary: elem
GWT CellTable CheckboxCell Not working in IE8 public void onBrowserEvent Context context Element elem AIDataRecord object NativeEvent event System.out.println Browser.. Browser Event Called super.onBrowserEvent context elem object event String eventType event.getType if change .equals..
Is there a way for a SecurityManager in java to selectively grant ReflectPermission(“suppressAccessChecks”)? .equals perm.getName for StackTraceElement elem Thread.currentThread .getStackTrace if Test .equals elem.getClassName.. elem Thread.currentThread .getStackTrace if Test .equals elem.getClassName badSetAccessible .equals elem.getMethodName throw.. if Test .equals elem.getClassName badSetAccessible .equals elem.getMethodName throw new SecurityException goodSetAccessible..
Java: Generic methods and numbers T extends Number T sumList List T data T total 0 for T elem data total elem return total But the problem is that there.. T sumList List T data T total 0 for T elem data total elem return total But the problem is that there is no operator in..
“Parallel.For” for Java? Parallel.For public static T void For final Iterable T elements final Operation T operation try invokeAll blocks for us.. in the call complete forPool.invokeAll createCallables elements operation catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace.. Collection Callable Void createCallables final Iterable T elements final Operation T operation List Callable Void callables..
Polymorphism with gson [closed] retValue.addProperty CLASSNAME className JsonElement elem context.serialize src retValue.add INSTANCE elem return retValue.. elem context.serialize src retValue.add INSTANCE elem return retValue @Override public IAnimal deserialize JsonElement..
CellTable with custom Header containing SearchBox and Focus Problem keyup .equals event.getType isChanged true InputElement elem getInputElement parent value.setValue elem.getValue if valueUpdater.. InputElement elem getInputElement parent value.setValue elem.getValue if valueUpdater null valueUpdater.update value else.. InputElement getInputElement Element parent Element elem parent.getElementsByTagName input .getItem 0 assert elem.getClass..
Wrap long words in JTextPane (Java 7) implements ViewFactory public View create Element elem String kind elem.getName if kind null if kind.equals AbstractDocument.ContentElementName.. ViewFactory public View create Element elem String kind elem.getName if kind null if kind.equals AbstractDocument.ContentElementName.. return new WrapLabelView elem else if kind.equals AbstractDocument.ParagraphElementName ..