java Programming Glossary: eligible
Jackson - serialization of entities with birectional relationships (avoiding cycles) which were already serialized instead of marking fields eligible or non eligible for serialization. java json jackson cycle.. serialized instead of marking fields eligible or non eligible for serialization. java json jackson cycle bidirectional relation..
Tracking down cause of Spring's “not eligible for auto-proxying” down cause of Spring's &ldquo not eligible for auto proxying&rdquo When you start messing around with.. no BeanPostProcessors or directly referenced beans are eligible for auto proxying and thus will not have aspects 'woven' into.. bean you should see an info log message œBean 'foo' is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors for example..
How can I inject in @FacesConverter? share improve this question The @FacesConverter isn't an eligible injection target. Replace it by @ManagedBean or @Named . As.. oversight and they will make the @FacesConverter an eligible injection target in upcoming JSF 2.2 see also JSF spec issue..
Can constructors throw exceptions in Java? Usually this means that the new object is immediately eligible for garbage collection although it may not be collected for..
When would you use a WeakHashMap or a WeakReference? in memory and remove it from the cache so that it becomes eligible for garbage collection. You are forced to duplicate the behavior..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices void close throws SQLException if this.connection is still eligible for reuse do not close this.connection but just return it to..
Understanding Java's Reference classes: SoftReference, WeakReference, and PhantomReference process is running low on memory. The object will not be eligible for collection until the collector needs to free memory. Loosely..
How does Java Garbage collector handle self-reference? reachability test to determine whether an object is eligible to be collected. These systems define an object or set of objects.. are available from this object graph is considered ineligible for collection. Any object not directly accessible from this..
Garbage collection on a local variable else holds onto a reference to the object it may not be eligible for garbage collection anyway. Don't forget that the value of..
ByteBuffer.allocate() vs. ByteBuffer.allocateDirect() of bytes. It's no surprise then that only byte buffers are eligible to participate in I O operations. Also recall that the operating..
java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table interface so that it remains reachable i.e. ineligible for garbage collection. Below is a script that demonstrates.. static void server throws Exception This reference is eligible for GC after this method returns final RemoteOperations methodVariable..
Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore? A B C then once A is not reachable A B and C will all be eligible for garbage collection assuming nothing else is referring to..