java Programming Glossary: developing
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean JSF Managed Beans In short don ™t use them if you are developing for Java EE 6 and using CDI. They provide a simple mechanism..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy a OneToOne relation lazy In this application we are developing we noticed that a view was particularly slow. I profiled the..
Is it possible to catch out of memory exception in java? [duplicate] OutOfMemoryError in Java duplicate 14 answers I'm developing a program that would require huge amount of memory and I want..
Overriding the java equals() method quirk was very limited and it was a school project. Anyhow I was developing a basic shopping cart which could contain an ArrayList of Book..
Playing BG Music Across Activities in Android ask a question here at stackoverflow. Exciting Haha. We're developing an Android game and we play some background music for our intro..
Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application? best is to place it in WEB INF classes . If you're developing a project in an IDE you can also drop it in src folder the project's..
QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing off chance that someone here has used zxing before. I'm developing a Java application and one of the things it needs to do is encode..
Best Java obfuscator? [closed] Java obfuscator closed I am developing a security software and want to obfuscate my java code so it..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? means that you can validate code with the assertions while developing and testing and disable them in a production environment although..
User authentication on a Jersey REST service authentication on a Jersey REST service I am developing a REST application which is using the Jersey framework. I would..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? have moderate experience with CSS selectors by e.g. developing websites and or using jQuery . Summary The pros and cons of..
Java Swing button colors Swing button colors I am using NET Beans IDE for developing my application in LINUX. I have used synthetica package to generate..
Design Patterns web based applications well developed framework takes in long term less time than developing and maintaining a robust framework yourself. From the mentioned..
How to Ping External IP from Java Android to Ping External IP from Java Android I am developing a Ping application for Android 2.2. I try my code and it works.. found this documentation http guide developing devices emulator.html#emulatornetworking On the topic of Local..
Java Look and Feel (L&F) Look and Feel L F I am developing a desktop application with Java Swing for my personal use.I..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 but unfortunately only available since API level 11. I am developing app on mobile and wonder if there is a workaround that I can..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate String name model.addRow new Object name Since I'm developing for OS X and I need to be able to associate my application with..
The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? Use of Multiple JFrames Good Bad Practice I'm developing an application which displays images and plays sounds from a..
How to Create a Restful service for a Huge JSON data using Java eclipse Tomcat7.0 a Simple RESTful Web Service to produce JSON using Jersey Developing REST Web Services in Eclipse For creating a JSON see this example..
Java Webservice Client (Best way) of good quality tutorials for JAX WS see for example Developing JAX WS Web Service Clients start here Introducing JAX WS 2.0..
Why are most of the examples using ArrayList are most of the examples using ArrayList Developing Java you have always learned that its best to create an ArrayList..
Developing Peer to Peer application in Java Peer to Peer application in Java i've got a university project..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern List Customer getVipCompanies Referred to the presentation Developing Android REST client applications from Virgil Dobjanschi I learned..
spring MVC sample web app question While not specifically an app you can download Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step by step covers creating..
Java 2D Game engine for tile-based Game improve this question I'd recommend purchasing the book Developing Games in Java by David Brackeen it includes a tile based game..