

java Programming Glossary: dfile.encoding

MyEclipse 10 does not start “Java was started but returned exit code 13”


XX ReservedCodeCacheSize 96m Dosgi.nls.warnings ignore Dfile.encoding UTF8 The only thing what I have done since it worked the last..

How do I set -Dfile.encoding within ant's build.xml?


do I set Dfile.encoding within ant's build.xml I've got java source files with iso.. for encoding UTF 8 . I can avoid this if I run ant Dfile.encoding iso 8859 1 or add encoding ISO 8859 1 to each javac statement... javac share improve this question A few options add Dfile.encoding iso 8859 1 to your ANT_OPTS environment variable use presetdef..

enabling UTF-8 encoding for clojure source files


by setting the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Dfile.encoding UTF8 but what I want is to pass this property through MAVEN... through MAVEN. I have already tried setting MAVEN_OPTS Dfile.encoding but this doesn't seem to work. I have also tried setting configuration.. something like this configuration compilerArgument Dfile.encoding UTF8 compilerArgument configuration This doesn't work either...

remote debugging a jnlp application with eclipse


remote Djava.security.policy lib security javaws.policy Dfile.encoding UTF 8 Xbootclasspath a usr java jdk1.6.0_14 jre lib deploy.jar..

How to Find Default Charset/Encoding in Java?


protocol. So all our servers run with this JVM parameter Dfile.encoding ISO 8859 1 Here is the result on Java 5 Default Charset ISO..

Can't make JDBC connection to MySQL (using Java, IntelliJ, and Linux)


7532 Didea.launcher.bin.path usr bin idea bin Dfile.encoding UTF 8 classpath usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk jre lib jce.jar usr..

How can I open files containing accents in Java?


1 to display characters. For a Sun JVM the VM argument Dfile.encoding UTF 8 should fix the first problem. The second problem is to.. are you using Do a java version . As said before the Dfile.encoding argument is Sun JVM specific. Some Linux machines ships with..

Setting the default Java character encoding?


used by the JVM 1.5.x programmatically I have read that Dfile.encoding whatever used to be the way to go for older JVMs... I don't.. this property but it's normally done like this java Dfile.encoding UTF 8 com.x.Main Charset.defaultCharset will reflect changes..

How to Force a jar to uses(or the jvm runs in) utf-8 instead of the system's default encoding


line in a .bat file to run the application start java Dfile.encoding utf 8 jar xxx.jar Now my question is that can I write something.. of the defaul platform encoding which you can change using Dfile.encoding no longer matters. You need to specify the input encoding as..

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error ; Error: ShouldNotReachHere()


Files x86 Java jre6 bin zip.dll VM Arguments jvm_args Dfile.encoding Cp1252 Xbootclasspath C Program Files x86 Android android sdk..

java console charset translation


Problem with Java properties utf8 encoding in Eclipse


Everything went smooth except properties files. I added Dfile.encoding UTF 8 in eclipse.ini and normal files work fine. Properties..

How to find a Java thread running on Linux with ps -axl?


3825 RemoteMavenServer Djava.awt.headless true Xmx512m Dfile.encoding MacRoman 6172 AppMain Didea.launcher.port 7533 Didea.launcher.bin.path.. Applications IntelliJ IDEA 10.app bin Dfile.encoding UTF 8 6175 Jps Dapplication.home Library Java JavaVirtualMachines..