

java Programming Glossary: developer.android.com

Send message from a basic server to a specific client


as an argument Other possibly useful links https developer.android.com resources articles painless threading.html https developer.android.com.. resources articles painless threading.html https developer.android.com guide topics fundamentals processes and threads.html share..

Google Drive SDK Exception


as mentioned by Stephen Wylie in his Google post Also see developer.android.com tools publishing app signing.html#debugmode for the keystore..

Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML


But this does not work reading the ToggleButton API http developer.android.com reference android widget ToggleButton.html it appears that the..

Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds


java android eclipse share improve this question http developer.android.com reference android os CountDownTimer.html TextView _tv TextView..

Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory


Chaching code is pretty much copy pasted from here http developer.android.com training displaying bitmaps index.html I debugged the code and..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


get raw kernel level information about memory usage http developer.android.com intl de reference android os Debug.html#getMemoryInfo android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo.. to get this information about another process http developer.android.com intl de reference android app ActivityManager.html#getProcessMemoryInfo..

How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS?


converting to and from this representation such as http developer.android.com reference android content Intent.html#toUri int So the way to.. set the package of the intent to your app with this http developer.android.com reference android content Intent.html#setPackage java.lang.String..

Android Color Picker [closed]


that you are talking about is in the API Demos. http developer.android.com intl zh TW resources samples ApiDemos src com example android..

Check orientation on Android phone


object as getResources .getConfiguration .orientation http developer.android.com reference android content res Configuration.html#orientation..

Subscript and Superscript a String in Android


R.id.text .setText Html.fromHtml X sup 2 sup or http developer.android.com intl zh TW guide appendix faq commontasks.html#selectingtext..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


more efficient by following the ViewHolder pattern http developer.android.com resources samples ApiDemos src com example android apis view..

How to Ping External IP from Java Android


but not from the emulator. I found this documentation http developer.android.com guide developing devices emulator.html#emulatornetworking On..

hiding strings in Obfuscated code


encoding may be sufficient see android.util.Base64 http developer.android.com reference android util Base64.html . Note that encoding is in..

AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done?


And of course standard Android API documentation http developer.android.com reference android content BroadcastReceiver.html UPDATE2 Added..

Android onConfigurationChanged not being called


else in your code that's causing the problem. http developer.android.com guide topics resources runtime changes.html EDIT As derrik pointed..

Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase


context see this article for more information http developer.android.com resources articles avoiding memory leaks.html if mInstance..