

java Programming Glossary: deststoretype

Mutual-authentication with web services


keytool importkeystore destkeystore server server.jks deststoretype jks srckeystore server server.p12 srcstoretype pkcs12 keytool.. keytool importkeystore destkeystore client client1.jks deststoretype jks srckeystore client client1.p12 srcstoretype pkcs12 keytool..

How to convert .pfx file to keystore with private key?


srcstoretype pkcs12 destkeystore clientcert.jks deststoretype JKS I like this technique much more than my original answer...

Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format


srckeystore foo.jks destkeystore foo.p12 srcstoretype jks deststoretype pkcs12 Enter destination keystore password Re enter new password.. srckeystore foo.jks destkeystore foo.p12 srcstoretype jks deststoretype pkcs12 openssl pkcs12 in foo.p12 out foo.pem if you have more.. foo.jks destkeystore foo.p12 srcalias foo srcstoretype jks deststoretype pkcs12 openssl pkcs12 in foo.p12 out foo.pem Command summary..