

c++ Programming Glossary: texture

Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++


that writing a C program which just takes a picture as a texture and applies let's say a gaussian blur as a fragment shader on..

OpenGL - mask with multiple textures


mask with multiple textures I have implemented masking in OpenGL according to the following.. mask is composed of black and white colors. A foreground texture should only be visible in the white parts of the mask. A background.. be visible in the white parts of the mask. A background texture should only be visible in the black parts of the mask. I can..

What is dynamic intialization of object in c++?


Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL


static const char p_s_fragment_shader #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle enable n uniform sampler2DRect tex uniform float ImgHeight.. CbCrX floor t.x 2.0 chromaWidth floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex vec2.. float Cb texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CrY .x .5 float y texture2DRect tex t .x..

Glew problems, unresolved externals


rotation_z 0.0 0.0 1.0 if objarray 0 id_texture 1 glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D objarray 0 id_texture We set the active texture.. We set the active texture glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D Texture mapping ON printf Txt map ON else glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D Texture.. mapping ON printf Txt map ON else glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D Texture mapping OFF glGetDoublev GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX modelV glGetDoublev..

glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above


invalid width height on image InterceptImage SaveTextureImage Error saving image 1 GL ERROR Function glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.. invalid width height on image InterceptImage SaveTextureImage Error saving image 0 GL ERROR Function glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.. invalid width height on image InterceptImage SaveTextureImage Error saving image 0 And here is the example code #include..

Cannot run Opengl program


textures 4 Make a cube out of a batch of triangles. Texture coordinates and normals are also provided. void MakeCube GLBatch.. floorPlane vLightPos Load up four textures glGenTextures 4 textures Wood floor pBytes gltReadTGABits floor.tga nWidth.. floor.tga nWidth nHeight nComponents format glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D textures 0 glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER..

sf::Texture as class member doesn't work?


Texture as class member doesn't work Heyy I want to draw a sprite in.. Class members sf Sprite myimg sf Image myimg_image sf Texture myimg_texture When I then create the sprite like this in my.. myimg_image apply texture to sprite myimg.setTexture myimg_texture It only draws a white sprite when I draw it with..

C++: Dynamically loading classes from dlls


void Release and unsigned refCnt public virtual base Texture GetTexture 0 virtual unsigned GetWidth 0 virtual unsigned GetHeight.. Release and unsigned refCnt public virtual base Texture GetTexture 0 virtual unsigned GetWidth 0 virtual unsigned GetHeight 0 virtual.. by the main Graphics class eg Graphics CreateSpriteFromTexture base Texture EDIT When I needed to write some c dlls for use..

OpenGL ES Texture Coordinates Slightly Off


ES Texture Coordinates Slightly Off I'm trying to draw a subregion of..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


face const int NumVertices 3 NumTriangles const int TextureSize 64 typedef Angel vec4 point4 typedef Angel vec4 color4 Texture.. 64 typedef Angel vec4 point4 typedef Angel vec4 color4 Texture objects and storage for texture image GLuint textures 2 GLubyte.. storage for texture image GLuint textures 2 GLubyte image TextureSize TextureSize 3 GLubyte image2 TextureSize TextureSize 3 Vertex..

Loading texture for OpenGL with OpenCV


imread stones.jpg Status TRUE Set The Status To TRUE glGenTextures 1 texture 0 Create The Texture glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D.. The Status To TRUE glGenTextures 1 texture 0 Create The Texture glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture 0 glTexParameterf GL_TEXTURE_2D.. TRUE glGenTextures 1 texture 0 Create The Texture glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture 0 glTexParameterf GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER..

Working With SFML, getting “Unresolved External Symbol” Output


symbol __declspec dllimport public bool __thiscall sf Texture LoadFromFile class std basic_string char struct std char_traits.. char const class sf Rect int const __imp_ LoadFromFile@Texture@sf@@QAE_NABV basic_string@DU char_traits@D@std@@V allocator@D@2@@std@@ABV.. __declspec dllimport public void __thiscall sf Sprite SetTexture class sf Texture const bool __imp_ SetTexture@Sprite@sf@@QAEXABVTexture@2@_N@Z..