

c++ Programming Glossary: thedata

c++ template typename iterator


a list of tNodes pointers under this tNode tNode const T theData PRE theData is initialized POST this data theData and this SubNodes.. tNodes pointers under this tNode tNode const T theData PRE theData is initialized POST this data theData and this SubNodes have.. const T theData PRE theData is initialized POST this data theData and this SubNodes have an initial capacity equal to INIT_CAPACITY..

C++ specialization of template function inside template class


std string param static std string getName private c1 theData This works ok... template class c1 std string X c1 getName return.. std string param static std string getName private c1 theData This works ok... template class c1 std string X c1 getName return.. c1 returnT this param static std string getName private c1 theData This works ok... template class c1 std string X c1 getName return..

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'


it as not final int data score currentPos 2 0 vector int theData data data sizeof data int pos currentPos 2 Add it to the map.. dataArray this gamesMap.insert std pair int vector int pos theData Add it to the possible positions possiblePositions.push pos.. if currentPos 3 0 int data score currentPos 3 0 vector int theData data data sizeof data int pos currentPos 3 this gamesMap currentPos..

Programmatically get processor details from Mac OS X


uint32_t like so uint32_t bus_frequency 0 CFDataGetBytes theData UInt8 bus_frequency sizeof uint32_t Next you can get processor..