

c++ Programming Glossary: text_oarchive

How to serialize derived template classes with Boost.serialize?


text_iarchive inputArchive somesstream boost archive text_oarchive outputArchive somesstream something to serialize Feature one..

Boost: De-serializing a custom C++ object passed over ZeroMQ pull socket


serialization serialization.hpp #include boost archive text_oarchive.hpp #include boost archive text_iarchive.hpp template class.. A theMsg std ostringstream archive_stream boost archive text_oarchive archive archive_stream try archive theMsg catch boost archive..

How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer?


client.cpp #include Message.h #include boost archive text_oarchive.hpp #include boost asio.hpp int main Message msg msg._a hello.. boost asio streambuf buf std ostream os buf boost archive text_oarchive ar os ar msg boost asio io_service io_service boost asio ip..

Does Boost.Serialization serialize differently on different platforms?


improve this question try using a text_iarchive and text_oarchive instead of binary archives. From the documentation In this tutorial.. In this tutorial we have used a particular archive class text_oarchive for saving and text_iarchive for loading. text archives render..

Serializing OpenCV Mat_<Vec3f>


boost archive binary_oarchive oa ofs boost archive text_oarchive oa ofs oa m void loadMat Mat m string filename std ifstream..

Boost Serialization using polymorphic archives


1 2 std ostringstream oss boost archive polymorphic_text_oarchive oa oss oa b1 server base b2 new derived 3 4 std istringstream.. b1 new derived 1 2 std ostringstream oss boost archive text_oarchive oa oss oa b1.get server Retrieve derived type from base std..

Boost Serialization multiple objects


specifying boost archive no_header like in boost archive text_oarchive oa ofs boost archive no_header doesn't help because this option..

boost:serialization reconstruction (loading)


file std ofstream ofs file assert ofs.good boost archive text_oarchive oa ofs oa states ofs.close template class S class P class A.. which I add in case its useful. #include boost archive text_oarchive.hpp #include boost archive text_iarchive.hpp #include boost.. base p new derived 2 3 save data to archive boost archive text_oarchive oa ofs oa p ... some time later restore the class instance to..