

c++ Programming Glossary: text_iarchive

How to serialize derived template classes with Boost.serialize?


to register class in serialize deserialize boost archive text_iarchive inputArchive somesstream boost archive text_oarchive outputArchive..

Boost: De-serializing a custom C++ object passed over ZeroMQ pull socket


in boost archive detail pointer_iserializer boost archive text_iarchive GenericMessage std string load_object_ptr this 0x8054444 ar.. in boost archive detail load_pointer_type boost archive text_iarchive invoke GenericMes sage std string ar ... t @0xbfffef70 0xbfffeff8.. 524 #10 0x0804be55 in boost archive load boost archive text_iarchive GenericMessage std string ar ... t @0xbfffef70 0xbfffeff8..

How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer?


endl server.cpp #include Message.h #include boost archive text_iarchive.hpp #include boost asio.hpp int main boost asio io_service io_service.. std endl deserialize std istream is buf boost archive text_iarchive ar is Message msg ar msg std cout msg._a std endl std cout msg._b..

Does Boost.Serialization serialize differently on different platforms?


iostreams share improve this question try using a text_iarchive and text_oarchive instead of binary archives. From the documentation.. a particular archive class text_oarchive for saving and text_iarchive for loading. text archives render data as text and are portable..

Serializing OpenCV Mat_<Vec3f>


boost archive binary_iarchive ia ifs boost archive text_iarchive ia ifs ia m I've used the binary_oarchive and binary_iarchive..

Boost Serialization using polymorphic archives


4 std istringstream iss oss.str boost archive polymorphic_text_iarchive ia iss ia b2 prints 1 ok cout b2 data1 endl prints 4 why wasn't.. base b2 std istringstream iss oss.str boost archive text_iarchive ia iss base temp ia temp b2.reset temp cout b2 data1 endl cout..

boost:serialization reconstruction (loading)


A load const char file std ifstream ifs file boost archive text_iarchive ia ifs ia states ifs.close States is friend to boost serialization.. boost archive text_oarchive.hpp #include boost archive text_iarchive.hpp #include boost serialization export.hpp #include iostream.. state base p2 std ifstream ifs filename boost archive text_iarchive ia ifs ia p2 derived d static_cast derived p2 std cout p2 vals..

How to read a fix-sized packet using boost asio?


istringstream archive_stream archive_data boost archive text_iarchive archive archive_stream archive t deserialize Hope that help..