c++ Programming Glossary: separates
Why is using “vector.at(x)” better than “vector[x]” in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11172144/why-is-using-vector-atx-better-than-vectorx-in-c above try catch improves the code readability as it really separates the normal code from the alternative code resulting in a neat..
Significance of a .inl file in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1208028/significance-of-a-inl-file-in-c at the bottom of the header file. I like it because it separates the interface from the implementation and makes the header file..
What are declarations and declarators and how are their types interpreted by the standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13808932/what-are-declarations-and-declarators-and-how-are-their-types-interpreted-by-the or semantic rules Valid It doesn't matter that the const separates the unsigned from int . Is auto const a valid declaration specifier..
Effect of using a comma instead of a semi-colon in C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2087026/effect-of-using-a-comma-instead-of-a-semi-colon-in-c-and-c a difference in the code you posted. In general the comma separates expressions just like a semicolon however if you take the whole..
UTF-8, CString and CFile? (C++, MFC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2318481/utf-8-cstring-and-cfile-c-mfc a step forward although I guess only a small thing is what separates me from victory. EDIT 4 I removed previously added code as Nate..
C/C++ function definitions without assembly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442966/c-c-function-definitions-without-assembly except for the Ci ibn . The C means œcancellable The colon separates the return type from the argument types and if you want a deeper..
Is there a built-in function that comma-separates a number in C, C++, or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479485/is-there-a-built-in-function-that-comma-separates-a-number-in-c-c-or-javascr there a built in function that comma separates a number in C C or JavaScript Given a number 12456789 I need..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords the rules by whether a construct is dependent or not. It separates them into logically different groups One catches types another..