c++ Programming Glossary: semaphore
Spinlock versus Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195853/spinlock-versus-semaphore system share improve this question Spinlock and semaphore differ mainly in four things 1. What they are A spinlock is.. one that is implemented by busy waiting spinning . A semaphore is a generalization of a lock or the other way around a lock.. lock or the other way around a lock is a special case of a semaphore . Usually but not necessarily spinlocks are only valid within..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore does not release the semaphore In short main 's WaitForSingleObject hangs in the program below.. in CREATE_SUSPENDED state. The synch is done with a semaphore with X as MaximumCount. The semaphore's counter is put down.. synch is done with a semaphore with X as MaximumCount. The semaphore's counter is put down to zero and the threads are dispatched...
C++0x has no semaphores? How to synchronize threads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4792449/c0x-has-no-semaphores-how-to-synchronize-threads 0x has no semaphores How to synchronize threads Hallo is it true that C 0x will.. threads Hallo is it true that C 0x will come without semaphores There are already some questions on stackoverflow regarding.. some questions on stackoverflow regarding the use of semaphores. I use them posix semaphores all the time to let a thread wait..
Why does volatile exist? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72552/why-does-volatile-exist straight C. We used a hardware managed 16 bit value as a semaphore to know when the other guy was done. Essentially we did this.. semPtr WELL_KNOWN_SEM_ADDR well known address to my semaphore while semPtr IS_OK_FOR_ME_TO_PROCEED Without volatile the optimizer..
Win32 Read/Write Lock Using Only Critical Sections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008726/win32-read-write-lock-using-only-critical-sections without using at least one kernel level object Mutex or Semaphore because you need the help of the kernel to make the calling..
Is this a correct way to implement a bounded buffer in C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15798222/is-this-a-correct-way-to-implement-a-bounded-buffer-in-c having my buffer code looked over. The class uses a Semaphore that I implemented elsewhere which I will assume works for now.. #ifndef BOUNDED_BUFFER_H #define BOUNDED_BUFFER_H #include Semaphore.H #include string #include vector using namespace std class.. initilization sizing etc. int nextin int nextout int count Semaphore notfull wait on this one before depositing an item Semaphore..
Spinlock versus Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195853/spinlock-versus-semaphore versus Semaphore What is the basic differences between Semaphores Spinlock In.. versus Semaphore What is the basic differences between Semaphores Spinlock In what best situations or conditions we can use these...
Conditional Variable vs Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3513045/conditional-variable-vs-semaphore Variable vs Semaphore When should one use a semaphore and when should one use a conditional.. a binary semaphore to do this but that's a special case. Semaphores and condition variables build on top of the mutual exclusion.. particular condition e.g. for the queue to be empty . Semaphores can be used similarly but I think they're better used when..
How can I achieve something similar to a semaphore using boost in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3928853/how-can-i-achieve-something-similar-to-a-semaphore-using-boost-in-c can modify a resource between those two operations. Semaphore on another case is a mix of condition and mutex and is used.. but to synchronize access across processes. See Mutex vs Semaphore . There is also such thing as non blocking lock free synchronization..
Semaphore implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6000674/semaphore-implementation implementation I was wondering if there was a way to implement.. there are multiple multithreading libraries which provide Semaphore implementations Posix Poco Thread Tiny Threads Also You can..