c++ Programming Glossary: sentry
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors and the surprisingly excellent book Writing Solid Code sentry values allow a little more space before and after each alloc..
Why does string extraction from a stream set the eof bit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14591203/why-does-string-extraction-from-a-stream-set-the-eof-bit a formatted input function . This means it constructs a sentry object which proceeds to eat away whitespace characters. In.. characters. In this example there are none so the sentry construction completes with no problems. When converted to a.. completes with no problems. When converted to a bool the sentry object gives true so the extractor continues to get on with..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali write char const int 12.50 in main 6.73 in std ostream sentry sentry std ostream 0.96 in std string _M_replace_safe unsigned.. char const int 12.50 in main 6.73 in std ostream sentry sentry std ostream 0.96 in std string _M_replace_safe unsigned int..
Getting std :: ifstream to handle LF, CR, and CRLF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089231/getting-std-ifstream-to-handle-lf-cr-and-crlf Code that uses streambuf this way must be guarded by a sentry object. The sentry object performs various tasks such as thread.. streambuf this way must be guarded by a sentry object. The sentry object performs various tasks such as thread synchronization.. synchronization and updating the stream state. std istream sentry se is true std streambuf sb is.rdbuf for int c sb sbumpc switch..