c++ Programming Glossary: sendinput
WM_KEYDOWN : how to use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169732/wm-keydown-how-to-use-it improve this question Simulate keyboard input using SendInput not PostMessage. You can't simulate keyboard input with PostMessage.. caveats with respect to keyboard state async state The SendInput function does not reset the keyboard's current state. Therefore..
Give focus to a Window launched from a system service using CreateProcessAsUser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17451033/give-focus-to-a-window-launched-from-a-system-service-using-createprocessasuser HotKey via RegisterHotKey and then simulate the key via SendInput In the processing of the WM_HOTKEY message you should be able..
How to send keystrokes to a window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113950/how-to-send-keystrokes-to-a-window if you need keycodes and arbitrary keystrokes you can use SendInput available in 2k xp and preferred or keybd_event ` which will.. and preferred or keybd_event ` which will end up calling SendInput in newer OSs some examples here http www.codeguru.com forum..
SendInput() isn't “sending” the correct shifted characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167156/sendinput-isnt-sending-the-correct-shifted-characters isn't &ldquo sending&rdquo the correct shifted characters void.. input.ki.wVk VkKeyScanEx c GetKeyboardLayout 0 SendInput 1 input sizeof INPUT VkKeyScanEx returns different key codes..
Create an On-screen Keyboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944621/create-an-on-screen-keyboard If you want to simulate keyboard input then you must use SendInput which means being at the mercy of which window currently has.. being at the mercy of which window currently has focus. SendInput is like hitting the keys on your physical keyboard. The only..
How to simulate a key press in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607849/how-to-simulate-a-key-press-in-c this question It looks like you want to use either SendInput or keybd_event which is an older way of doing the same thing..
Why is :: (scope) used with empty left-hand operand? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8679457/why-is-scope-used-with-empty-left-hand-operand INPUT_MOUSE Input.mi.dwFlags MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN SendInput 1 Input sizeof INPUT left up ZeroMemory Input sizeof INPUT Input.type.. Input.type INPUT_MOUSE Input.mi.dwFlags MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP SendInput 1 Input sizeof INPUT This example works without the scope operators.. function instead of the currently visible one . void SendInput 1 namespace derp void SendInput 2 void LeftClick ... SendInput..