c++ Programming Glossary: server.cpp
Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11497160/codeblocks-and-boost-asio-it-just-wont-work undefined reference to 'closesocket@4' Here is the code server.cpp ~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright c 2003 2012 Christopher M. Kohlhoff chris..
How to launch an “event” when my Boost::asio tcp server just start running ( AKA io_service.run() )? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15829165/how-to-launch-an-event-when-my-boostasio-tcp-server-just-start-running-aka serialization link and replace the main function of server.cpp with that code #include conio.h #include concrt.h wait function..
Getting segfault due to string data type variable in PROTOBUF server and clent communcation through sockets on recv end in cpp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18463414/getting-segfault-due-to-string-data-type-variable-in-protobuf-server-and-clent-c example.pb.cc By using these files I create a test_server.cpp and test_client.cpp And compile it. but at the time of both.. package data message star optional string name 1 server.cpp #include iostream #include sys types.h #include sys socket.h..
How to use OpenSSL in GCC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1894013/how-to-use-openssl-in-gcc to use openssl in a gcc program but it isn't working. g server.cpp usr lib libssl.a o server gives error anything with l option..
How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599638/how-can-i-wrap-stdwstring-in-boostasiobuffer write socket buffers std cout wrote rc bytes std endl server.cpp #include Message.h #include boost archive text_iarchive.hpp..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed class SERVER_API CServer static long s public CServer server.cpp CServer CServer long CServer s and this client executable #include..
Cast member function for create_pthread() call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6826620/cast-member-function-for-create-pthread-call for create_pthread call I want to stop the warning server.cpp 823 warning converting from 'void ClientHandler ' to 'void void..