c++ Programming Glossary: separated
When can outer braces be omitted in an initializer list? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11734861/when-can-outer-braces-be-omitted-in-an-initializer-list list begins with a left brace then the succeeding comma separated list of initializer clauses initializes the members of a subaggregate..
*.h or *.hpp for your class definitions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/152555/h-or-hpp-for-your-class-definitions guidelines for formatting C and C code. If the headers are separated by extension you can set your editor to apply the appropriate..
Uses of C comma operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613230/uses-of-c-comma-operator terms of statements you might use a sequence of statements separated by . When you want to do some branching you use if statements...
What is the difference between (type)value and type(value)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1652396/what-is-the-difference-between-typevalue-and-typevalue no difference. If and only if you're dealing with a comma separated list of values can there be a difference. In this case If the..
Parsing a comma-delimited std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1894886/parsing-a-comma-delimited-stdstring std string If I have a std string containing a comma separated list of numbers what's the simplest way to parse out the numbers.. into parsing anything else. Just a simple string of comma separated integer numbers such as 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 . c string parsing..
Difference between pointer to a reference and reference to a pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1898524/difference-between-pointer-to-a-reference-and-reference-to-a-pointer we use the reference we are not dealing with something separated from what it refers to. So the address of a reference is just..
How to split a string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236129/how-to-split-a-string-in-c in C The string can be assumed to be composed of words separated by whitespace. Note that I'm not interested in C string functions..
How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2616906/how-do-i-output-coloured-text-to-a-linux-terminal ASCII 27. It is followed by then one or two numbers separated by and finally the letter m . See the table on Wikipedia for..
C++ Header Files, Code Separation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280033/c-header-files-code-separation things What is the invisible margin that code should be separated at Also what's the point of header files Is it to forward declare..
Do class/struct members always get created in memory in the order they were declared? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/281045/do-class-struct-members-always-get-created-in-memory-in-the-order-they-were-decl object. The order of allocation of nonstatic data members separated by an access specifier is unspecified 11.1 . Implementation..
Is this code well-defined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4709727/is-this-code-well-defined by V k and a side effect on k at the very top that are not separated by a sequence point In this expression relative to each other..
Why can templates only be implemented in the header file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495021/why-can-templates-only-be-implemented-in-the-header-file T param implementation This way implementation is still separated from declaration but is accessible to the compiler. Another.. compiler. Another solution is to keep the implementation separated and explicitly instantiate all the template instances you'll..
Splitting a C++ std::string using tokens, e.g. “;” [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5167625/splitting-a-c-stdstring-using-tokens-e-g in C The string can be assumed to be composed of words separated by From our guide lines point of view C string functions are..
Right way to split an std::string into a vector<string> [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607589/right-way-to-split-an-stdstring-into-a-vectorstring comma. c string share improve this question For space separated strings then you can do this std string s What is the right..
c++ template and header files [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5612791/c-template-and-header-files 9 answers so I heard that c templates shouldn't be separated into a .h and .cpp... for instance a template like this template..
Order of evaluation of arguments using std::cout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7718508/order-of-evaluation-of-arguments-using-stdcout