c++ Programming Glossary: sensitivity
How to properly rotate a quaternion along all axis? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16384571/how-to-properly-rotate-a-quaternion-along-all-axis transform.getRotation Mouse Mouse Speed apply mouse sensitivity btQuaternion change Mouse.y Mouse.x 0 create quaternion from.. btQuaternion rotation transform.getRotation apply mouse sensitivity Amount Sensitivity create orientation vectors btVector3 up 0.. on this. The next part multiplying the amount by a mouse sensitivity should be really clear. Let's continue with the direction vectors...
C++ cross-compiler from Windows to Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4769968/c-cross-compiler-from-windows-to-linux e.g. usr src cross linux gnu root Enable system wide case sensitivity support in the registry see http www.cygwin.com cygwin ug net..
Constructor called on an already created object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5038950/constructor-called-on-an-already-created-object name as the class itself. So f should've been F . Yes case sensitivity matters in C I'll assume this is what you meant for the rest..
What is the point of STL Character Traits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5319770/what-is-the-point-of-stl-character-traits a string where two strings differing only in their case sensitivity are compared equal. Now suppose that the standard library authors..
From quaternions to OpenGL rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7938373/from-quaternions-to-opengl-rotations float dx float dy float axisY 0 1 0 axisX 1 0 0 float sensitivity 0.005f Quaternion q1 Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis axisY dx.. Quaternion q1 Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis axisY dx sensitivity Quaternion q2 Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis axisX dy sensitivity.. Quaternion q2 Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis axisX dy sensitivity Multiply two quaternions with camera cameraQuaternion q1.multiplyWith..