c++ Programming Glossary: serializing
Best Practice For List of Polymorphic Objects in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1080448/best-practice-for-list-of-polymorphic-objects-in-c I want as much as possible the work for copying serializing this list to be taken care of automatically. The reason for.. I want as much as possible the work for copying serializing this list to be taken care of automatically. The reason for.. know what type it actually is. After the problem of deserializing one element of a known hierarchy is solved deserializing the..
C++: how serialize/deserialize objects without any library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11415850/c-how-serialize-deserialize-objects-without-any-library objects without any library I try to understand how serializing deserializing works in c so I want to do that without any libs... without any library I try to understand how serializing deserializing works in c so I want to do that without any libs. But I really.. program automatically detect which class to create when deserializing. Clues Use custom serializer that has functions to write bool..
Difference between rdtscp, rdtsc : memory and cpuid / rdtsc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12631856/difference-between-rdtscp-rdtsc-memory-and-cpuid-rdtsc reordering. These are our options 1 rdtscp is a serializing call. It prevents reordering around the call to rdtscp. __asm__.. around the call to rdtscp. __asm__ __volatile__ rdtscp serializing read of tsc shl 32 rdx shift higher 32 bits stored in rdx up.. So in this case we have to use rdtsc . But rdtsc is non serializing so using it alone will not prevent the CPU from reordering it...
how to avoid undefined execution order for the constructors when using std::make_tuple http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14056000/how-to-avoid-undefined-execution-order-for-the-constructors-when-using-stdmake stdin with the help of CodeSynthesis XSD binary parsing serializing. Here is an example of how such parsing and serialization is..
correct idiom for std::string constants? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2312860/correct-idiom-for-stdstring-constants I thought about a and in fact use a similar trick when serializing the object send the index rather than the string but it seemed..
What are some reasons a Release build would run differently than a Debug build http://stackoverflow.com/questions/312312/what-are-some-reasons-a-release-build-would-run-differently-than-a-debug-build rare cases where the code relies on offsets or sizes e.g. serializing raw structures they are different. Other code differences Some..
C++ Serialization Performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321619/c-serialization-performance different processes and computers. I'm not interested in serializing complex class hierarchies but more of sending structures with..
How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599638/how-can-i-wrap-stdwstring-in-boostasiobuffer this question Typically I use boost asio streambuf for serializing structures. Message.h #ifndef MESSAGE_H #define MESSAGE_H #include..
Why can't I read fstream's binary data with operator>>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4151840/why-cant-i-read-fstreams-binary-data-with-operator nothing prevents you from implementing your own class for serializing binary data in whatever form you wish using the insertion and..
Serializing a class which contains a std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046244/serializing-a-class-which-contains-a-stdstring a std string which I understand is pretty much like serializing a pointer. I can write out the class to a file and read it back.. but I'm hoping I've explained my problem well. I'm serializing by casting the class to a char and writing it to a file with.. binaryfiles share improve this question I'm serializing by casting the class to a char and writing it to a file with..
Serialize in C++ then deserialize in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726410/serialize-in-c-then-deserialize-in-c language neutral platform neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data think XML but smaller faster and simpler . You..
Converting C++ class to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8220130/converting-c-class-to-json collections and convert. Edit 2 Okay scrap the idea of serializing a class since it appears that's impossible with C 's lack of..
openmp parallel performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039308/openmp-parallel-performance this question #pragma omp critical has the effect of serializing your loop so getting rid of that should be your first goal...