c++ Programming Glossary: serializer
C++: how serialize/deserialize objects without any library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11415850/c-how-serialize-deserialize-objects-without-any-library for serialization and the class defines what goes into the serializer and what comes out. An example would be class Serializable public.. which class to create when deserializing. Clues Use custom serializer that has functions to write bool int float strings etc. Use..
C++ iterate into nested struct field with boost fusion adapt_struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12084781/c-iterate-into-nested-struct-field-with-boost-fusion-adapt-struct you can see at my blog site . In this is case it's a JSON serializer that works with nested structs. It uses a 'more Boost' solution.. run time reflexive API. Code listing for the generic JSON serializer See it Live on Coliru #ifndef JSON_SERIALIZER_HPP #define JSON_SERIALIZER_HPP.. at.hpp namespace json Forward template typename T struct serializer namespace detail namespace iterator template typename S typename..
writing XML with Xerces 3.0.1 and C++ on windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2897317/writing-xml-with-xerces-3-0-1-and-c-on-windows serialize a DOM tree into an XML document. DOMLSSerializer serializer DOMImplementationLS implementation createLSSerializer Make the.. the output more human readable by inserting line feeds. if serializer getDomConfig canSetParameter XMLUni fgDOMWRTFormatPrettyPrint.. canSetParameter XMLUni fgDOMWRTFormatPrettyPrint true serializer getDomConfig setParameter XMLUni fgDOMWRTFormatPrettyPrint true..
Maintaining a unique set of elements on different criteria C++ STL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4450095/maintaining-a-unique-set-of-elements-on-different-criteria-c-stl output_stream const index_t index ostream_iterator user_t serializer output_stream copy index.begin index.end serializer int main.. user_t serializer output_stream copy index.begin index.end serializer int main ofstream by_id_file by_id.txt by_name_file by_name.txt..
How do you serialize an object in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523872/how-do-you-serialize-an-object-in-c your objects to a byte array you can use the boost serializer in the following way taken from the tutorial site #include boost..