c++ Programming Glossary: repeats
performance of C++0x exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1018800/performance-of-c0x-exceptions if returner next 1 return 1 return 0 int main const int repeats 1001 int returns 0 SpaceWaster first 1000 0 for int i 0 i repeats.. 1001 int returns 0 SpaceWaster first 1000 0 for int i 0 i repeats i #ifdef THROW try thrower first catch std exception e returns.. the try. For a more likely 100 stack levels I upped the repeats to 10k because everything was 10 times faster. So the exception..
Does C++ ofstream file writing use a buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10449772/does-c-ofstream-file-writing-use-a-buffer once filled to a arbitrary value writes to disk and then repeats that process until all 50 000 000 bytes are written. I noticed..
What are inline namespaces for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11016220/what-are-inline-namespaces-for vector . Come the next standard and the STL vendor just repeats the procedure again introducing a new namespace for std vector..
Confused by undefined C++ shift operator behavior and wrapping “pattern space” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13087816/confused-by-undefined-c-shift-operator-behavior-and-wrapping-pattern-space space regardless of the operand size that is the pattern repeats or wraps around only every 256 positions. Another way of thinking..
single expression helper for compile-time enforced constexpr function evaluation possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14309245/single-expression-helper-for-compile-time-enforced-constexpr-function-evaluation some members but not others. Just to be clear even if it repeats the question there's no reason to want this. The language already..
Reading from text file until EOF repeats last line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21647/reading-from-text-file-until-eof-repeats-last-line from text file until EOF repeats last line The following C code uses a ifstream object to read..
How does a compiled C++ class look like? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211262/how-does-a-compiled-c-class-look-like class Der that inherits from class Base. The compiler repeats steps #1 and #3 but not #2 . In step #1 the compiler creates..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom scope ends and its destructor is called. Because the idiom repeats no code we cannot introduce bugs within the operator. Note that..
How does the standard new operator work in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377178/how-does-the-standard-new-operator-work-in-c . If the called function returns the loop repeats. The loop terminates when an attempt to allocate the requested..
How do I call the original “operator new” if I have overloaded it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4134195/how-do-i-call-the-original-operator-new-if-i-have-overloaded-it . If the called function returns the loop repeats. The loop terminates when an attempt to allocate the requested..
what SDL and OpenGL version and implementation I'm using http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4560174/what-sdl-and-opengl-version-and-implementation-im-using is Microsoft's documentation for glGetString . It just repeats the SGI doc and tells you the function is found in gl.h and..
how to traverse a boost::multi_array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5572464/how-to-traverse-a-boostmulti-array element type in this case double and obtain a loop that repeats 3x4x2 times c boost multidimensional array iterator boost multi..
Why does modulus division (`%`) only work with integers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6102948/why-does-modulus-division-only-work-with-integers division but the input was a float Given a function which repeats ex sin and a computer function that can only compute it when..
Create Random Number Sequence with No Repeats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/693880/create-random-number-sequence-with-no-repeats random number generator that can generate numbers with no repeats in a random order. For example random 10 might return 5 9 1.. shuffling them about or checking the generated list for repeats Edit Also I want it to be efficient in generating big numbers.. is a 16 bit lfsr can produce a sequence 65535 long with no repeats. It's statistically random but of course eminently repeatable...
Adding primes in a sequence in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8875105/adding-primes-in-a-sequence-in-c to be between the braces. Currently the for loop only repeats the cout not the block. for j 1 j n j cout numero numero endl..