c++ Programming Glossary: reordered
Why is volatile not considered useful in multithreaded C or C++ programming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484980/why-is-volatile-not-considered-useful-in-multithreaded-c-or-c-programming data so all looks fine. But what if the instructions are reordered so the flag is set first volatile does guarantee the first point... access to non volatile data. Those accesses can still be reordered relative to the volatile ones. The solution to preventing reordering.. to the compiler and the CPU that no memory access may be reordered across this point . Placing such barriers around our volatile..
What is the optimal size of a UDP packet for maximum throughput? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276058/what-is-the-optimal-size-of-a-udp-packet-for-maximum-throughput control retransmission buffer management dealing with reordered packets and so on . If you start reimplementing all the TCP..
Volatile and CreateThread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6866206/volatile-and-createthread wait for res to be set. Here finished is allowed to be reordered to before either res is set Well volatile prevents reordering.. be completely efficient. res1 and res2 operations can be reordered as the compiler sees fit. On other architectures the write to..
Reorder vector using a vector of indices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/838384/reorder-vector-using-a-vector-of-indices vector consists of a number of orbits and each orbit is reordered upon reaching its first member. It's faster when the last few..
How to use std::atomic efficiently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749038/how-to-use-stdatomic-efficiently in all sorts of ways including being significantly reordered with surrounding operations and combined with other operations..