c++ Programming Glossary: removing
Is there any reason to use the 'auto' keyword in C / C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1046477/is-there-any-reason-to-use-the-auto-keyword-in-c-c instead. But then again the human would be better off removing the redundant parentheses around a I would say. int a With the..
Good C++ GUI library for Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/115045/good-c-gui-library-for-windows symmetric and cleans up some edge cases for inserting and removing elements while traversing though it's a little less efficient...
Is gcc4.7 buggy about regular expressions? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12530406/is-gcc4-7-buggy-about-regular-expressions
Tools to find included headers which are unused? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301850/tools-to-find-included-headers-which-are-unused by this point. I can obviously do the painstaking thing of removing all the #include directives and letting the compiler tell me..
How to make elements of vector unique? (remove non adjacent duplicates) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1453333/how-to-make-elements-of-vector-unique-remove-non-adjacent-duplicates 1 6 1 4 6 2 1 1 I am trying to make this vector unique by removing the non adjacent duplicates and maintaining the order of elements...
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol thanks to your include guards If you're not convinced try removing them a.h #include b.h b.h #include a.h main.cpp Good.. explained in this Q A on StackOverflow. Too see that try removing the include guards and compiling the following modified version..
Algorithm - How to delete duplicate elements in a list efficiently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1801459/algorithm-how-to-delete-duplicate-elements-in-a-list-efficiently questions In Python what is the fastest algorithm for removing duplicates from a list so that all elements are unique while..
Is there any advantage of using map over unordered_map in case of trivial keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196995/is-there-any-advantage-of-using-map-over-unordered-map-in-case-of-trivial-keys I found it was much slower at repeatedly inserting and removing elements. It's great for a relatively static collection of elements..
Very simple application fails with “multiple target patterns” from Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2401976/very-simple-application-fails-with-multiple-target-patterns-from-eclipse OpenCV cxcore include cxcore.h .. src Window.h I tried removing all OpenCV headers from Window.d from line 2 onwards but the..
C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2804893/c-dll-export-decorated-mangled-names SomeFunction and nothing else...... UPDATE I also tried removing the Module Definition and exporting the names using the C style..
How to estimate the thread context switching overhead? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/304752/how-to-estimate-the-thread-context-switching-overhead by either reducing the number of context switches or by removing threads completely just for testing . share improve this answer..
When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332030/when-should-static-cast-dynamic-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-be-used or add const to a variable no other C cast is capable of removing it not even reinterpret_cast . It is important to note that..
Does std::list::remove method call destructor of each removed element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4260464/does-stdlistremove-method-call-destructor-of-each-removed-element stl destructor c faq share improve this question Yes removing a Foo from a container destroys the Foo but it will not release..
Why is including “using namespace” into a header file a bad idea in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872373/why-is-including-using-namespace-into-a-header-file-a-bad-idea-in-c by arbitrarily huge amounts of dependent code and... removing the using statement from the header or a change to the contents..
How to get IOStream to perform better? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5166263/how-to-get-iostream-to-perform-better a complex system of dynamic dispatch and virtual calls so removing them can help trimming down the penalty hit. The default C locale..
Should objects delete themselves in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/522637/should-objects-delete-themselves-in-c and anyone interested can now act on that. For example by removing it from the world. For deleting it think in terms of ownership...
Cycles in family tree software http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163683/cycles-in-family-tree-software grandfather of Y . How can I resolve those errors without removing all data assertions c graph cycle assertions family tree .. solution. As for this specific case I would suggest removing the assertions as they do not hold universally. For displaying..
What is the performance cost of having a virtual method in a C++ class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667634/what-is-the-performance-cost-of-having-a-virtual-method-in-a-c-class why do we add the virtual keyword when needed instead of removing the virtual keyword when we are absolutely sure that it is not..
Removing item from vector, while in c++11 range for loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10360461/removing-item-from-vector-while-in-c11-range-for-loop item from vector while in c 11 range for loop I have a vector..
Difference between `constexpr` and `const` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14116003/difference-between-constexpr-and-const while const refers to int it declares a pointer to const . Removing the const would render the expression illegal because a a pointer..
Template friend function of a template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1787143/template-friend-function-of-a-template-class error when I try to output a test double . Synopsis Removing the forward declarations and switching to the alternative friend..
Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798112/removing-leading-and-trailing-spaces-from-a-string leading and trailing spaces from a string How to remove spaces..
Algorithm - How to delete duplicate elements in a list efficiently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1801459/algorithm-how-to-delete-duplicate-elements-in-a-list-efficiently duplicates from a list in Python whilst preserving order Removing duplicates from list of lists in Python How do you remove duplicates..
Creating an array initializer from a tuple or variadic template parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18251815/creating-an-array-initializer-from-a-tuple-or-variadic-template-parameters and do the reintepret_cast returning a reference to data . Removing the repeated FooEnum would be good via using aliases. share..
Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++ [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256945/removing-a-non-empty-directory-programmatically-in-c-or-c a non empty directory programmatically in C or C duplicate ..
Removing elements from C++ std::vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2642509/removing-elements-from-c-stdvector elements from C std vector What is the proper way to remove..
Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/341817/is-there-a-replacement-for-unistd-h-for-windows-visual-c All the source files include unistd.h which doesn't exist. Removing it I get complaints about misssing prototypes for 'srandom'..
Solving the Visual Studio 2010 AlwaysCreate rebuild issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4185638/solving-the-visual-studio-2010-alwayscreate-rebuild-issue header includes I eventually found 3 that did not exist. Removing them and doing a rebuild all on the original project seems to..
Unset the rightmost set bit [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4703964/unset-the-rightmost-set-bit How do you set clear and toggle a single bit in C Removing lowest order bit n is a positive integer. How can its rightmost..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers so that operator is now correctly in std . Notes Removing the output iterator means that there is no way to use std copy..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings later but do not yet have the functionality written for. Removing warnings about that allows me to write in my preferred style..
Removing widgets from QGridLayout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5395266/removing-widgets-from-qgridlayout widgets from QGridLayout I try to remove widgets from specified..
Removing ..'s in boost filesystem::complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874824/removing-s-in-boost-filesystemcomplete ..'s in boost filesystem complete This should be simple I'm..
What makes this header file slow VS2005 to a crawl? (IntelliSense exonerated?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7032551/what-makes-this-header-file-slow-vs2005-to-a-crawl-intellisense-exonerated behavior edits cause the IDE to hang for long periods. Removing the header restores performance. What other feature of VS2055..
C++ Virtual template method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7968023/c-virtual-template-method either take away the static or the dynamic polymorphism. Removing dynamic polymorphism from the equation could be done by providing..
Removing non-integers from a string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/816001/removing-non-integers-from-a-string-in-c non integers from a string in C There was a passing comment..
Easiest way of using min priority queue with key update in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9209323/easiest-way-of-using-min-priority-queue-with-key-update-in-c of the set. Probing the smallest element takes O 1 time. Removing it takes O log N time. To test whether some ID k is in the set..
C++11 make_pair with specified template parameters doesn't compile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9641960/c11-make-pair-with-specified-template-parameters-doesnt-compile advance. EDIT g 4.4 compiles this code with no problems. Removing std c 11 also compiles with code with no problems. c templates..