c++ Programming Glossary: remove_if
Erase/Remove contents from the map (or any other STL container) while iterating it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038708/erase-remove-contents-from-the-map-or-any-other-stl-container-while-iterating i return i 1 0 int a 1 2 3 4 5 vector int v a a 5 v.erase remove_if v.begin v.end bind1st equal_to int 4 v.end v contains 1 2 3.. bind1st equal_to int 4 v.end v contains 1 2 3 5 v.erase remove_if v.begin v.end IsOdd v.end v contains 2 share improve this..
How to filter items from a std::map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/180516/how-to-filter-items-from-a-stdmap this be made nicer or more efficient Perhaps using std remove_if Can you remove items from the map while traversing it Can we..
Cleaning up an STL list/vector of pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307082/cleaning-up-an-stl-list-vector-of-pointers Foo theElement delete theElement return true foo_list . remove_if deleteAll I think we can trust the folks who came up with STL..
What is wrong with `std::set`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397616/what-is-wrong-with-stdset c .second int main std string s saaangeetha s.erase std remove_if s.begin s.end is_repeated char s.end std cout s Which gives.. s saaangeetha std set char set added line s.erase std remove_if s.begin s.end is_repeated char set s.end std cout s Output sangeth.. remove if share improve this question In GCC libstdc remove_if is implemented essentially as template typename It typename..
Using local classes with STL algorithms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/742607/using-local-classes-with-stl-algorithms int bool bool operator int x return x 2 std remove_if v.begin v.end even error Does anyone know where in the standard..
remove_if equivalent for std::map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/800955/remove-if-equivalent-for-stdmap equivalent for std map I was trying to erase a range of elements.. I do it using STL algorithms Initially I thought of using remove_if but it is not possible as remove_if does not work for associative.. I thought of using remove_if but it is not possible as remove_if does not work for associative container. Is there any remove_if..
Remove spaces from std::string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83439/remove-spaces-from-stdstring-in-c question The best thing to do is to use the algorithm remove_if and isspace remove_if str.begin str.end isspace Now the algorithm.. thing to do is to use the algorithm remove_if and isspace remove_if str.begin str.end isspace Now the algorithm itself can't change.. to actually modify the length of the container str.erase remove_if str.begin str.end isspace str.end We should also note that remove_if..