c++ Programming Glossary: remove_reference
Convert std::tuple to std::array C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10604794/convert-stdtuple-to-stdarray-c11 typename T using Bare typename std remove_cv typename std remove_reference T type type template typename Tuple constexpr typename build_indices..
Inferring the call signature of a lambda or arbitrary callable for “make_function” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11893141/inferring-the-call-signature-of-a-lambda-or-arbitrary-callable-for-make-functio using type typename remove_class decltype std remove_reference T type operator type template typename R typename... A struct..
How to deduce the type of the functor's return value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12005749/how-to-deduce-the-type-of-the-functors-return-value a local This would have to be changed to auto f char c std remove_reference decltype std string c type return std string c In other cases..
Concise explanation of reference collapsing rules requested: (1) A& & -> A& , (2) A& && -> A& , (3) A&& & -> A& , and (4) A&& && -> A&& http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13725747/concise-explanation-of-reference-collapsing-rules-requested-1-a-a-2 question because I am aware of such C 11 utilities as std remove_reference but I do not know if the reference related utilities such as.. do not know if the reference related utilities such as std remove_reference are routinely used in C 11 to avoid need for the reference collapsing.. explained in your link. The usage of type traits such as remove_reference is really depends on your needs move and forward cover for the..
C++11 compiler error when using decltype(var) followed by internal type of “var” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14330768/c11-compiler-error-when-using-decltypevar-followed-by-internal-type-of-var
C++ Unified Assignment Operator move-semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7458110/c-unified-assignment-operator-move-semantics for ˜operator in ˜t std move with _Tp my_type typename std remove_reference template parameter 1 1 type my_type t1 copyconsttest.cpp 41..
How does std::move() transfer values into RValues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7510182/how-does-stdmove-transfer-values-into-rvalues I cleaned up a little bit template typename T typename remove_reference T type move T arg return static_cast typename remove_reference.. T type move T arg return static_cast typename remove_reference T type arg Let's start with the easier part that is when the.. template gets instantiated as follows move with T Object remove_reference Object type move Object arg return static_cast remove_reference..
Preventing non-const lvalues from resolving to rvalue reference instead of const lvalue reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7748104/preventing-non-const-lvalues-from-resolving-to-rvalue-reference-instead-of-const the rvalue reference version with void foo typename remove_reference T type t but this only had the effect of causing everything.. std template class T void display typedef typename remove_reference T type Tr typedef typename remove_cv Tr type Trcv if is_const..
Detecting the parameter types in a Spirit semantic action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404189/detecting-the-parameter-types-in-a-spirit-semantic-action cout std cout typeid T .name if std is_const typename std remove_reference T type value std cout const if std is_rvalue_reference T value..