

c++ Programming Glossary: render

In which versions of the C++ standard does “(i+=10)+=10” have undefined behaviour?


that it consists of two modifications is sufficient to render its behavior undefined. C 11 doesn't have sequence points and..

How to render offscreen on OpenGL? [duplicate]


to render offscreen on OpenGL duplicate This question already has an.. already has an answer here How to use GLUT OpenGL to render to a file 4 answers My aim is to render OpenGL scene.. OpenGL to render to a file 4 answers My aim is to render OpenGL scene without a window directly into a file. The scene..

C++ stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion


any changes to it might cause it to re allocate and thus render cstr invalid. It is therefor safer to not to store the result..

Standard Library Containers with additional optional template parameters?


parameters beyond the two well known ones This would render the above code ill formed as it assumes two template parameters...

Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++


size of the window hasn't changed since the last time you rendered into the back buffer you don't need to re render it when the.. you rendered into the back buffer you don't need to re render it when the window is invalidated just Blt out the already rendered.. it when the window is invalidated just Blt out the already rendered image onto the screen. Also allocate a bitmap that matches..

C++: Life span of temporary arguments?


Why is including “using namespace” into a header file a bad idea in C++?


code including the problematic header. Either problem may render dependent code uncompilable and issues may not even be noticed..

Is the pointer guaranteed to preserve its value after `delete` in C++?


become invalid 4 the deallocation function will render invalid all pointers referring to all parts of deallocated storage..

Fastest method of screen capturing


Pickture.bmp sanity checks. if Device NULL return get the render target surface. HRESULT hr Device GetRenderTarget 0 pRenderTarget.. D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM pDestTarget NULL copy the render target to the destination surface. hr Device GetRenderTargetData..

What's the usual way of controlling frame rate?


I don't know how people usually control the frame rate for rendering things. I mean how can you set you application to render.. things. I mean how can you set you application to render at say 30fps There's probably lots of APIs that offers such.. starts to drop a bit you lose quite a bit of potential rendering time because it's forced to 60 then 30 then 20 etc. a bit..

Non-static const member, can't use default assignment operator


that you cannot change its keys because that could easily render the state of a map invalid. Because of that the following holds..

glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above


wiki OpenGL_Programming Modern_OpenGL_Tutorial_Text_Rendering_01 The issue is that when I specify an OpenGL context with.. the vertex buffer object glGenBuffers 1 vbo return 1 Render text using the currently loaded font and currently set font.. the currently loaded font and currently set font size. Rendering starts at coordinates x y z is always 0. The pixel coordinates..

Solid Noise Generation in C++


some code that will generate solid noise similar to the Render Clouds function in GIMP as shown below https encrypted tbn2.google.com..

Get image pixels using mask


imageWidth rgbColorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast Render the image into the bitmap context. self.imageView.layer renderInContext.. CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeDestinationIn Render the mask into the bitmap context. self.imageView.layer.mask..

Cannot run Opengl program


nHeight 0 format GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE pBytes free pBytes Render the block void RenderBlock void GLfloat vRed 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f.. pBytes free pBytes Render the block void RenderBlock void GLfloat vRed 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f GLfloat vWhite 1.0f.. glDisable GL_LINE_SMOOTH glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST Render the floor void RenderFloor void GLfloat vBrown 0.55f 0.292f..

OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X


0 0 10 Multiply in rotation matrix glRotatef angle 0 0 1 Render colored quad glBegin GL_QUADS glColor3ub 255 000 000 glVertex2f..

Culling techniques for rendering lots of cubes


c c algorithm rendering share improve this question Render front to back. To do so you don't need sorting use octrees... Draw only those sets of faces that may face the camera. Rendering front to back doesn't help by itself. However you can use..

Render a vector graphic (.svg) in C++


a vector graphic .svg in C My and a friend are working on a..