c++ Programming Glossary: requesting
getting error code 998 Invalid access to memory location when trying to read from named pipe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11853478/getting-error-code-998-invalid-access-to-memory-location-when-trying-to-read-fro for buffer it is currently a null pointer and the code is requesting that 10 bytes of data be read into an array that does not exist...
C++ copy-construct construct-and-assign question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2462773/c-copy-construct-construct-and-assign-question In the case of the initialization of b we're requesting the creation of an anonymous temporary of type Y initialized..
Detecting user name from process ID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3172392/detecting-user-name-from-process-id a handle to the process. You can use OpenProcess for that requesting the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access right. Once you have that.. Once you have that handle you can call OpenProcessToken requesting the TOKEN_QUERY access right. Finally you can then call GetTokenInformation.. right. Finally you can then call GetTokenInformation requesting the TokenUser information class which will give you the user..
GetDIBits and loop through pixels using X, Y http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3688409/getdibits-and-loop-through-pixels-using-x-y MyBMInfo.bmiHeader.biSize sizeof MyBMInfo.bmiHeader requesting a 32 bit image means that no stride padding will be necessary..
C++ Boost ASIO: how to read/write with a timeout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4553162/c-boost-asio-how-to-read-write-with-a-timeout been brought up on the asio mailing lists there's a ticket requesting the feature as well. To summarize it is suggested to use asynchronous..
HTTP Client library for C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5348344/http-client-library-for-c in a buffer so that I'm able to ship it immediately to requesting client without storing the entire content in memory. Any links..