c++ Programming Glossary: reproduce
Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10195343/copy-a-file-in-an-sane-safe-and-efficient-way GB filled up to 50 Copy a 270 MB OGG VIDEO FILE Steps ro reproduce 1. rm from.ogg 2. reboot # kernel and filesystem buffers are..
Fast intersection of sets: C++ vs C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060648/fast-intersection-of-sets-c-vs-c-sharp set_difference only works on sorted input and in order to reproduce tests results that involve a sort we have to make a fresh copy..
Secure a DLL file with a license file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/106347/secure-a-dll-file-with-a-license-file hash function off the beaten track and thus not easy to reproduce . Don't store you hash as a string split it into unsigned shorts..
Heap corruption under Win32; how to locate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069/heap-corruption-under-win32-how-to-locate 98 AKA MSVC6 the heap corruption is reasonably easy to reproduce ten or fifteen minutes pass before something fails horrendously.. of 2G of RAM . So I've got a choice between being able to reproduce the problem but not identify the cause or being able to idenify.. or being able to idenify the cause or a problem I can't reproduce. My current best guesses as to where to next is Get an insanely..
pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520649/pass-attribute-to-child-rule-in-boost-spirit Matrix ascii space_type matrixBlock_ Update I was able to reproduce the the phantom entries with this code in vs2010 and boost 1.46.1..
What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13021985/what-is-the-equivalent-of-cpython-string-concatenation-in-c concatenation expressions in C . In order to faithfully reproduce the CPython code snippet in C the final result and expression..
On OS X, simple C++ program gives incorrect results (which are a result of command-line options 'c++03' vs 'c++11') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14149835/on-os-x-simple-c-program-gives-incorrect-results-which-are-a-result-of-comma it's compiled with std c 0x or not. Problem I cannot reproduce the same thing on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 SDK . What am I missing..
Why does changing `const ull` to `const ull&` in function parameter result in performance gain? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14805641/why-does-changing-const-ull-to-const-ull-in-function-parameter-result-in-pe gcc c 11 share improve this question I was able to reproduce your observation of the speedup it was even more noticeable..
What are some convincing arguments to upgrade from Visual Studio 6? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191253/what-are-some-convincing-arguments-to-upgrade-from-visual-studio-6 one of their server machines they get 'weird' difficult to reproduce errors... I know that there are several issues with Visual Studio..
Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932461/windows-vista-win7-privilege-problem-sedebugprivilege-openprocess reported this error and who's environment can regularly reproduce this bug has a small application named along the lines of RunWithDebugEnabled..
How do you import an enum into a different namespace in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293279/how-do-you-import-an-enum-into-a-different-namespace-in-c code. The best solution I can think of is to manually reproduce the enum namespace buzz enum bar A foo A But it violates the..
OpenMP: Huge performance differences between Visual C++ 2008 and 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4738045/openmp-huge-performance-differences-between-visual-c-2008-and-2010 acquisition functions. I have reduced the code needed to reproduce the problem to a simple loop that does the following for int..
Does multithreading emphasize memory fragmentation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5875989/does-multithreading-emphasize-memory-fragmentation 1140 S 193 40.1 1 17.07 ompmemtest Please Note I could reproduce this issue when compiling with gcc 4.3 4.4 and 4.6 trunk . ..
How does photoshop blend two images together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5919663/how-does-photoshop-blend-two-images-together how Photoshop blends two images together so that I may reproduce the same effects in my application. c c math image processing..
Overload resolution failure when streaming object via implicit conversion to string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677072/overload-resolution-failure-when-streaming-object-via-implicit-conversion-to-str and replacing it with my own UDT Streamable I can't reproduce this either when Streamable is a template or when it's not ...
Why does integer overflow on x86 with GCC cause an infinite loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7682477/why-does-integer-overflow-on-x86-with-gcc-cause-an-infinite-loop I'm tagging this C as well because I assume this bug will reproduce in C. I haven't verified it yet. EDIT Here's the assembly of..
Conversion operator template specialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7741531/conversion-operator-template-specialization specialization share improve this question You can reproduce the problem by just using std string t a Combined with the actual..
why is this so much slower in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7809473/why-is-this-so-much-slower-in-c it it seems that is not going to help. I presume you can reproduce this performance problem every time you run your code correct..