c++ Programming Glossary: rendered
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array when the data is completely random the branch predictor is rendered useless because it can't predict random data. Thus there will..
How to find the width of a String (in pixels) in WIN32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1126730/how-to-find-the-width-of-a-string-in-pixels-in-win32 device context to measure the width and height of the rendered string in logical units. For the default mapping mode MM_TEXT..
Capturing video out of an OpenGL window in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154730/capturing-video-out-of-an-opengl-window-in-windows captureFrame. I could call captureFrame after every frame rendered or every second third whatever . If doing so makes my program..
Best Way to Store a va_list for Later Use in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1562992/best-way-to-store-a-va-list-for-later-use-in-c-c in C C I am using a va_list to construct a string that is rendered. void Text2D SetText const char szText ... This is all fine..
Using ACE with WT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15832798/using-ace-with-wt wApp require ace builds src ace.js A WContainerWidget is rendered as a div WContainerWidget editor new WContainerWidget root editor.. env wApp require lib ace ace.js A WContainerWidget is rendered as a div WContainerWidget editor new WContainerWidget root editor.. running. wApp require lib ace ace.js A WContainerWidget is rendered as a div WContainerWidget editor new WContainerWidget root std..
Virtual Webcam Driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1627448/virtual-webcam-driver s_VideoOutputPin L Output Pin string name FALSE Is it rendered TRUE Is it an output FALSE Can we have none FALSE Can we..
What are some best practices for OpenGL coding (esp. w.r.t. object orientation)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166356/what-are-some-best-practices-for-opengl-coding-esp-w-r-t-object-orientation Materials things that define how some piece of geometry is rendered . In a simplest case this could be a color of the object for.. by What geometry it uses pointer to Mesh How it should be rendered pointer to Material Where it is located. This could be a 4x4.. create activate modify VBO objects. Before any node is rendered matrices would need to be set. And setting up Material would..
Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197948/reduce-flicker-with-gdi-and-c size of the window hasn't changed since the last time you rendered into the back buffer you don't need to re render it when the.. it when the window is invalidated just Blt out the already rendered image onto the screen. Also allocate a bitmap that matches the..
Edges on polygon outlines not always correct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3039026/edges-on-polygon-outlines-not-always-correct using the algorithm below to generate quads which are then rendered to make an outline like this http img810.imageshack.us img810..
How to get VBO working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3121472/how-to-get-vbo-working draw and in which range. glFlush is just used for showing rendered stuff. If you got lost somewhere in code here it is on one place..
Pointer array and sizeof confusion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397098/pointer-array-and-sizeof-confusion into this. Note that sizeof is a compiler operator. It is rendered to a constant at compile time. Anything that could be changed..
How do glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() keep the scene the same? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7031842/how-do-glpushmatrix-and-glpopmatrix-keep-the-scene-the-same
Why does GetSafeHwnd() return zero in an ActiveX control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7453225/why-does-getsafehwnd-return-zero-in-an-activex-control windowless ActiveX control doesn't have a window and rendered as part of its parent. If you want to work with Windows messages..
How to add glowing effect to a line for OpenGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8293839/how-to-add-glowing-effect-to-a-line-for-opengl positions and other information like a glow flag is rendered to a texture i.e. stored in different components of the texture...
Why use virtual functions? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8824359/why-use-virtual-functions derived class and the particular Shape is drawn rather rendered . Shape basep line_obj tri_obj rect_obj cir_obj for i 0 i NO_PICTURES..