c++ Programming Glossary: ptr1
Merge two sorted link lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13345262/merge-two-sorted-link-lists struct s int info s next int main int i char choice 'y' s ptr1 ptr2 start1 start2 reversedHead temp ptr1 new s start1 ptr1.. choice 'y' s ptr1 ptr2 start1 start2 reversedHead temp ptr1 new s start1 ptr1 cout SIZE OF A NODE IS sizeof s BYTES endl.. ptr2 start1 start2 reversedHead temp ptr1 new s start1 ptr1 cout SIZE OF A NODE IS sizeof s BYTES endl endl while choice..
How is the size of a C++ class determined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14510711/how-is-the-size-of-a-c-class-determined TestClass4 char buf 8 char buf2 8 __m128i vect TestClass1 ptr1 TestClass2 ptr2 TestClass3 ptr3 TestClass4 ptr4 int main ptr1.. TestClass2 ptr2 TestClass3 ptr3 TestClass4 ptr4 int main ptr1 new TestClass1 ptr2 new TestClass2 ptr3 new TestClass3 ptr4.. is lu t TestClass3 is lu t TestClass4 is lu n sizeof ptr1 sizeof ptr2 sizeof ptr3 sizeof ptr4 return 0 I know that the..
Why does this specialized char_traits<uint8_t> and codecvt<uint8_t> for use with the basic_ifstream template throw std::bad_cast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19205531/why-does-this-specialized-char-traitsuint8-t-and-codecvtuint8-t-for-use-with i return i static int compare const char_type ptr1 const char_type ptr2 std size_t count return std memcmp ptr1.. const char_type ptr2 std size_t count return std memcmp ptr1 ptr2 count static const char_type find const char_type ptr..
Template deduction for function based on its return type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612961/template-deduction-for-function-based-on-its-return-type to use template deduction to achieve the following GCPtr A ptr1 GC Allocate GCPtr B ptr2 GC Allocate instead of what I currently.. ptr2 GC Allocate instead of what I currently have GCPtr A ptr1 GC Allocate A GCPtr B ptr2 GC Allocate B My current Allocate..
C++ delete syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3037655/c-delete-syntax line deletes both pointers or only the first delete ptr1 ptr2 c share improve this question This is undoubtedly.. the comma operator not a separator. Only the first pointer ptr1 is deleted. The second pointer ptr2 is just a do nothing expression... so the expression is parsed as if it were written delete ptr1 ptr2 and not as if it were written delete ptr1 ptr2 If had higher..