c++ Programming Glossary: pt2
Serializing and deserializing json with boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12394472/serializing-and-deserializing-json-with-boost pt false std string json buf.str foo bar Read json. ptree pt2 std istringstream is json read_json is pt2 std string foo pt2.get.. json. ptree pt2 std istringstream is json read_json is pt2 std string foo pt2.get std string foo std string map2json const.. std istringstream is json read_json is pt2 std string foo pt2.get std string foo std string map2json const std map std string..
Error in opencv code for motion detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14309111/error-in-opencv-code-for-motion-detection 0 0 0 0 Points for the edges of the rectangle. CvPoint pt1 pt2 Create a font object. CvFont font Create video to output to... cvBoundingRect contour 0 pt1.x bndRect.x pt1.y bndRect.y pt2.x bndRect.x bndRect.width pt2.y bndRect.y bndRect.height Get.. bndRect.x pt1.y bndRect.y pt2.x bndRect.x bndRect.width pt2.y bndRect.y bndRect.height Get an average X position of the..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file WriteInDB int found_face IplImage img CvPoint pt1 CvPoint pt2 int load_DB char filename const char cascade_name C Program.. img width scale cvRound img height scale 8 1 CvPoint pt1 pt2 int i cvCvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY cvResize gray small_img.. of the face and scale it if necessary pt1.x r x scale pt2.x r x r width scale pt1.y r y scale pt2.y r y r height scale..
Square detection doesn't find squares http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731742/square-detection-doesnt-find-squares cosine of angle between vectors from pt0 pt1 and from pt0 pt2 double angle Point pt1 Point pt2 Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x.. from pt0 pt1 and from pt0 pt2 double angle Point pt1 Point pt2 Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double.. double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667818/opencv-c-obj-c-detecting-a-sheet-of-paper-square-detection image click Code double angle cv Point pt1 cv Point pt2 cv Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double.. double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1.. double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1 dx1 dy1 dy1 dx2 dx2..