c++ Programming Glossary: pub
C++ FTP Library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1244095/c-ftp-library s it Name .c_str do file operations ftpClient.DownloadFile pub test.txt c temp test.txt ftpClient.UploadFile c temp test.txt..
LinkedList “node jump” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1315263/linkedlist-node-jump winery.getRating where the item paramters are all pub mem functions of the winery class. c share improve this..
Why one should not hide a structure implementation that way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17619015/why-one-should-not-hide-a-structure-implementation-that-way int val private_t #define PRIVATE_SIZE sizeof private_t In public.h the public structure is declared to hold an opaque array.. #define PRIVATE_SIZE sizeof private_t In public.h the public structure is declared to hold an opaque array of bytes #include.. an opaque array of bytes #include private.h typedef struct public_struct char opaque PRIVATE_SIZE public_t public_t and private_t..
C++ catch blocks - catch exception by value or reference? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2522299/c-catch-blocks-catch-exception-by-value-or-reference error code to change. References http www.oreillynet.com pub a network 2003 05 05 cpluspocketref.html share improve this..
Off-the-Shelf C++ Hex Dump Code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29242/off-the-shelf-c-hex-dump-code the source for xxd is ftp ftp.uni erlangen.de 21 pub utilities etc xxd 1.10.tar.gz . It was written in C and is about..
Using LibTiff in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4647791/using-libtiff-in-visual-studio-2010 I downloaded tiff 3.9.2.zip from ftp ftp.remotesensing.org pub libtiff . To test LibTiff it would be nice if someone could..
std::atomic | compare_exchange_weak vs. compare_exchange_strong http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944771/stdatomic-compare-exchange-weak-vs-compare-exchange-strong WRL 95 7.pdf Chapter 12 and Appendix C in http kernel.org pub linux kernel people paulmck perfbook perfbook.html share improve..
Is uninitialized data behavior well specified? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6824488/is-uninitialized-data-behavior-well-specified I have the simplest class I could think of class BaseClass public int pub Then I have three equally simple programs to create.. simplest class I could think of class BaseClass public int pub Then I have three equally simple programs to create BaseClass.. value of their data. Case 1 BaseClass B1 cout B1.pub B1.pub endl This prints out B1.pub 1629556548 Which is fine...
is it possible to use regex in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/815429/is-it-possible-to-use-regex-in-c out Boost's Regex implementation. http www.onlamp.com pub a onlamp 2006 04 06 boostregex.html http www.boost.org doc libs..