c++ Programming Glossary: pthread_detach
why does pthread_exit throw something caught by ellipsis? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11452546/why-does-pthread-exit-throw-something-caught-by-ellipsis pthread_create has the following structure try ...code.... pthread_detach pthread_self pthread_exit NULL catch ... std cout I am here..
crosses initialization of ?˜std::istringstream iss??when using inside while loop [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18417738/crosses-initialization-of-stdistringstream-iss-when-using-inside-while-loop pthread_create thread_id 0 SocketHandler void csock pthread_detach thread_id else fprintf stderr Error accepting dn errno FINISH..
valgrind memory leak errors when using pthread_create http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610677/valgrind-memory-leak-errors-when-using-pthread-create state attribute set to PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED or if pthread_detach is called for its pthread_t . An undetached thread will remain.. state until its identifier is passed to pthread_join or pthread_detach . To sum it up you have three options create your thread with.. attribute Detach your thread after creation by calling pthread_detach or Join with the terminated threads to recycle them by calling..
Calling pthread_cancel on a join'ed thread causes segfault under linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6371844/calling-pthread-cancel-on-a-joined-thread-causes-segfault-under-linux detachstate attribute set to PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED or if pthread_detach or pthread_join has been called for that thread. A conforming.. thread ID is invalid for use as an argument in a call to pthread_detach or pthread_join . You may not use a pthread_t after the thread..
gSOAP Multithreading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8150380/gsoap-multithreading n tid else return c.error void process_request void calc pthread_detach pthread_self CalculatorService c static_cast CalculatorService..