c++ Programming Glossary: pts
Linux Allocator Does Not Release Small Chunks of Memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10943907/linux-allocator-does-not-release-small-chunks-of-memory . first ps aux grep first davidw 9393 1.3 0.3 64344 53016 pts 4 S 23 37 0 00 . first . second ps aux grep second davidw 9404.. . second ps aux grep second davidw 9404 1.0 0.0 12068 1024 pts 4 S 23 38 0 00 . second Notice the resident memory size. In..
Cuda version not working while serial working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13630817/cuda-version-not-working-while-serial-working dot B A D C B A class Polygon public __device__ Polygon nbpts 0 __device__ void addPts Point2D pt pts nbpts pt nbpts __device__.. Polygon nbpts 0 __device__ void addPts Point2D pt pts nbpts pt nbpts __device__ Polygon operator const Polygon rhs.. Polygon nbpts 0 __device__ void addPts Point2D pt pts nbpts pt nbpts __device__ Polygon operator const Polygon rhs nbpts..
How to seek in FFmpeg C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5261658/how-to-seek-in-ffmpeg-c-c the frames. Ive heard I should be able to get the dts or pts from the packet but its always returning 0. c c ffmpeg video..
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838487/executing-cvwarpperspective-for-a-fake-deskewing-on-a-set-of-cvpoint .y box.size.width x box.size.height std endl Point2f pts 4 box.points pts Does the order of the points matter I assume.. x box.size.height std endl Point2f pts 4 box.points pts Does the order of the points matter I assume they do NOT. But.. bottomLeft cv Point2f src_vertices 3 src_vertices 0 pts 0 src_vertices 1 pts 1 src_vertices 2 pts 3 src_vertices 3 not_a_rect_shape..
free form image selection (preferably in c++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8192300/free-form-image-selection-preferably-in-c fill it with 0. Then use void cvFillPoly CvArr img CvPoint pts int npts int contours CvScalar color int lineType 8 int shift.. 0. Then use void cvFillPoly CvArr img CvPoint pts int npts int contours CvScalar color int lineType 8 int shift 0 documented..