c++ Programming Glossary: pugixml
Boost and XML (c++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1042855/boost-and-xml-c c xml boost share improve this question You should Try pugixml Light weight simple and fast XML parser for C The nicest thing.. simple and fast XML parser for C The nicest thing about pugixml is the XPath support which TinyXML and RapidXML lack. Quoting.. I would like to thank Arseny Kapoulkine for his work on pugixml which was an inspiration for this project and 5 30 faster than..
Most efficient way to escape XML/HTML in C++ string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5665231/most-efficient-way-to-escape-xml-html-in-c-string can use boost spirit xml encode or http code.google.com p pugixml . void encode std string data std string buffer buffer.reserve..
how to convert pugi:char_t* to string? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7140793/how-to-convert-pugichar-t-to-string side is pugi char_t and the left side is whar_t thanks c pugixml share improve this question Here's an idea. The crude version..
What modern C++ libraries should be in my toolbox? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777764/what-modern-c-libraries-should-be-in-my-toolbox Threading Boost.Thread Version Control libgit2 XML Libxml2 pugixml RapidXml TinyXML Xerces C Links to additional lists of open..