c++ Programming Glossary: pubsetbuf
initializing a C++ std::istringstream from an in memory buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1448467/initializing-a-c-stdistringstream-from-an-in-memory-buffer suggestion. std istringstream tmp_blob tmp_blob.rdbuf pubsetbuf blockPtr blockLength Is that the correct way c streambuf ..
Setting the internal buffer used by a standard stream (pubsetbuf) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494182/setting-the-internal-buffer-used-by-a-standard-stream-pubsetbuf the internal buffer used by a standard stream pubsetbuf I'm writing a subroutine that needs to write data to an existing.. buffer This is when I discovered the streambuf pubsetbuf method and simply rewrote the above code as follows. #include.. unsigned int size std stringstream message message.rdbuf pubsetbuf buffer size message Hello std endl message World std endl Unfortunately..
How to disable buffering on a stream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16605233/how-to-disable-buffering-on-a-stream share improve this question For file streams you can use pubsetbuf for that std ifstream f f.rdbuf pubsetbuf 0 0 f.open test Explanation.. you can use pubsetbuf for that std ifstream f f.rdbuf pubsetbuf 0 0 f.open test Explanation The C standard says the following.. says the following about the effect of setbuf and thus pubsetbuf for file streams If setbuf 0 0 is called on a stream before..
How can I read from memory just like from a file using iostream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346240/how-can-i-read-from-memory-just-like-from-a-file-using-iostream like the following.. std istringstream str str.rdbuf pubsetbuf buffer size of buffer And then use it in your getline calls..... is next line r nThe last line istringstream str str.rdbuf pubsetbuf buffer sizeof buffer string line while getline str line chomp..
The effect of `basic_streambuf::setbuf` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4349778/the-effect-of-basic-streambufsetbuf read from some piece of memory by using basic_stringbuf pubsetbuf like this char buffer 123 istringstream in in.rdbuf pubsetbuf.. like this char buffer 123 istringstream in in.rdbuf pubsetbuf buffer sizeof buffer calls basic_stringbuf setbuf int num in..
How to get IOStream to perform better? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5166263/how-to-get-iostream-to-perform-better work what does not. Pists of reflexion are buffering rdbuf pubsetbuf buffer size synchronization std ios_base sync_with_stdio locale.. char Buffer N std ifstream file file.txt file.rdbuf pubsetbuf Buffer N the pointer reader by rdbuf is guaranteed to be non.. ifstream in comment to remove extended buffer file.rdbuf pubsetbuf _buffer BufferSize int count 0 std string s while file s count..
How to make cout behave as in binary mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5654067/how-to-make-cout-behave-as-in-binary-mode before cout receives any output do this std cout.rdbuf pubsetbuf 0 0 go to unbuffered mode When you want to output a newline..