c++ Programming Glossary: ptr_vector
Getting a vector<Derived*> into a function that expects a vector<Base*> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114819/getting-a-vectorderived-into-a-function-that-expects-a-vectorbase heap allocated objects e.g #include boost ptr_container ptr_vector.hpp boost ptr_vector Base vec Alternatively change the vector.. e.g #include boost ptr_container ptr_vector.hpp boost ptr_vector Base vec Alternatively change the vector to hold a smart pointer..
C++ Vector of Pointers to Objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1361139/c-vector-of-pointers-to-objects such as a boost ptr_container #include boost ptr_container ptr_vector.hpp struct base virtual ~base struct derived base hold pointers.. struct derived base hold pointers specially typedef boost ptr_vector base container void foo container c for int i 0 i 100 i c.push_back.. all automatically freed here int main foo While boost ptr_vector T had obvious use in C 03 I can't speak of the relevance now..
Is it a good practice to always use smart pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2454214/is-it-a-good-practice-to-always-use-smart-pointers assert w.expired no object any longer void container ptr_vector Cloneable vec vec.push_back new Derived vec.push_back new Derived..
How does boost::ptr_vector deep copy the underlying objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3428907/how-does-boostptr-vector-deep-copy-the-underlying-objects does boost ptr_vector deep copy the underlying objects ptr_vector is copy constructible.. does boost ptr_vector deep copy the underlying objects ptr_vector is copy constructible and copy assignable. How can it deep copy.. types c share improve this question The boost ptr_vector container has an optional template parameter CloneAllocator..
vector of pointer to object - how to avoid memory leak? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3447804/vector-of-pointer-to-object-how-to-avoid-memory-leak std unique_ptr A l or use boost pointer containers boost ptr_vector A l PS Don't forget A's virtual destructor as per @Neil Butterworth..
How to erase elements from boost::ptr_vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/356002/how-to-erase-elements-from-boostptr-vector to erase elements from boost ptr_vector So I'm trying to get rid of my std vector's by using boost.. So I'm trying to get rid of my std vector's by using boost ptr_vector. Now I'm trying to remove an element from one and have the removed.. The most obvious thing to me was to do class A int m boost ptr_vector A vec A a new A vec.push_back a vec.erase a But this won't even..
What do I need to do before deleting elements in a vector of pointers to dynamically allocated objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4061438/what-do-i-need-to-do-before-deleting-elements-in-a-vector-of-pointers-to-dynamic pointers in a vector I strongly suggest using boost ptr_vector which automatically takes care of the deletion. share improve..
boost:serialization reconstruction (loading) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6734814/boostserialization-reconstruction-loading Saving works fine loading is the problem. states is boost ptr_vector S states where S is a type of State polymorphic class. State..