c++ Programming Glossary: publish
OpenCV won't compile due to unresolved externals — LNK2019 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472393/opencv-wont-compile-due-to-unresolved-externals-lnk2019 errors. I read somewhere that you have to compile and publish the project in order for it to work properly Is that true as..
Instantiate class from name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1096700/instantiate-class-from-name of how to contact the named object. It ™s the same basic publish find model that forms the basis of a Service Oriented Architecture..
Building a Mac and Windows GUI Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11026541/building-a-mac-and-windows-gui-application ruling out Qt too quickly. This guy has reported that he publishd a Qt based app on the Mac App Store. According to this related.. and PySide bindings for Qt while still being able to publish to the App Store then I'm guessing that might be your best bet...
upload video with Graph API to facebook error (Service temporarily unavailable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12193071/upload-video-with-graph-api-to-facebook-error-service-temporarily-unavailable just like below.But I use the same method to upload and publish pictures successfully. Why Please help error error message #2..
handling central data buffer for many processes in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1590773/handling-central-data-buffer-for-many-processes-in-c where Reader places the read data chunks implementing publish subscriber to register each Detector and sending it a signal..
Reference in place of getters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19987354/reference-in-place-of-getters Pick one it's a design decision. Having 'const int x' to publish the private member will work class X private int m_x public..
Using Iterators to hide internal container and achieve generic operation over a base container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2191724/using-iterators-to-hide-internal-container-and-achieve-generic-operation-over-a deep copy semantics and proper destruction. Some notes publish both an iterator and a const_iterator class name your methods..
How can I get started programming in C++ on Win32? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/343061/how-can-i-get-started-programming-in-c-on-win32 the Windows operating system to get things done. Companies publish their APIs so that clients can do useful things with them. There..
Hiding C++ symbols in iOS static library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4095816/hiding-c-symbols-in-ios-static-library I've made an iOS code library in pure C which I intend to publish to a lot of people. As far as I know at the time of writing..
Unable to get hudson to parse JUnit test output XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428553/unable-to-get-hudson-to-parse-junit-test-output-xml testsuite testsuite The problem is whenever I tell ant to publish the JUnit test results and then point it to either the raw test..
Deploying XBAP with win32 DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4758568/deploying-xbap-with-win32-dll not a problem as they all get deployed automatically when publishing the project only that their names change from mydotnet.dll.. them to the references. So I manually copied them to the publish folder and tried experimenting if that works. But it didn't..
Import existing c++ project into Xcode IDE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034286/import-existing-c-project-into-xcode-ide to open an existing C open source library in XCode to publish it with my own modification additions. The library is Tesseract..
When are Variable-length arrays legal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5730101/when-are-variable-length-arrays-legal situation and thus c std requires that compiler vendors publish their memory handling. This happens via sizeof operator. This..
ISO C++ standard draft http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7238958/iso-c-standard-draft a convincing argument that it would be legal for me to re publish n3291 I would be happy to make it available. I certainly did..
Converting Matlab to C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731671/converting-matlab-to-c I am wondering how do I go about doing this. Also when I publish my project will the end user have to install anything by MATLAB..
Using Component Object Model (COM) on non-Microsoft platforms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/84269/using-component-object-model-com-on-non-microsoft-platforms the programmer to setup his her own VARIANT . I'll publish my patches back as soon as I get NDA clearance was done on company..
Writing namespace extensions with Windows 7 integration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8438066/writing-namespace-extensions-with-windows-7-integration rgfInOut SFGAO_CANCOPY SFGAO_CANMOVE Also I had to publish the IDataObject in GetUIObjectOf like this if riid IID_IDataObject.. pszName riid ppv else if riid IID_IDropTarget TODO publish return E_NOINTERFACE That is all. By the way what is the best..