c++ Programming Glossary: intersection
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection sides of the square. Next locate the four resulting line intersections to detect the corners. The Hough transform is fairly robust.. probably have multiple lines on each side but locating the intersections should help to determine the inliers vs. outliers. Once you've.. 50 0 0 cout Detected lines.size lines. endl compute the intersection from the lines detected... vector Point2f intersections for..
Why does my STL code run so slowly when I have the debugger/IDE attached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060337/why-does-my-stl-code-run-so-slowly-when-i-have-the-debugger-ide-attached runIntersectionTestAlgo set int set1 set int set2 set int intersection Create 100 000 values for set1 for int i 0 i 100000 i int value.. 10 int value 1000000000 random set2.insert value set_intersection set1.begin set1.end set2.begin set2.end inserter intersection.. set1.begin set1.end set2.begin set2.end inserter intersection intersection.end return intersection.size int main DWORD start..
Best way to find an intersection between two arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13270491/best-way-to-find-an-intersection-between-two-arrays way to find an intersection between two arrays I faced this problem many times during various.. between the two arrays as a new array In this case the intersection of array A and B is char c 'c' 'd' . I want to avoid the repeated..
The intersection of two sorted arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2400157/the-intersection-of-two-sorted-arrays intersection of two sorted arrays Given two sorted arrays A and B . The.. A is La and the size of array B is Lb . How to find the intersection of A and B If La is much bigger than Lb then will there be any.. bigger than Lb then will there be any difference for the intersection finding algorithm c algorithm arrays sorting share improve..
Fast rectangle to rectangle intersection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2752349/fast-rectangle-to-rectangle-intersection rectangle to rectangle intersection What's a fast way to test if 2 rectangles are intersecting..
Open source C++ library for vector mathematics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362928/open-source-c-library-for-vector-mathematics in an application. Dot product cross product. Finding the intersection of lines that kind of stuff. I can do this by myself in fact..
Area of rectangle-rectangle intersection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8011267/area-of-rectangle-rectangle-intersection of rectangle rectangle intersection Below are 2 rectangles . Given the coordinates of the rectangle.. and then evaluate edge segments between critical points intersections or corners . At each intersection you switch between an edge.. between critical points intersections or corners . At each intersection you switch between an edge segment of the first rectangle to..