c++ Programming Glossary: ints.begin
n choose k implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5095407/n-choose-k-implementation
Argument type auto deduction and anonymous lambda functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5712826/argument-type-auto-deduction-and-anonymous-lambda-functions have these lines of code std vector int ints std for_each ints.begin ints.end int val val 7 However I dont want to specify the argument.. ie I want to write something like this std for_each ints.begin ints.end auto val val 7 Is there anyway this can be achieved.. decltype std begin container so I can do std for_each ints.begin ints.end _A ints val val 7 c lambda c 11 share improve this..
Trailing return types, decltype and const-ness http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7255379/trailing-return-types-decltype-and-const-ness class MyContainer std list int ints auto begin decltype ints.begin return ints.begin auto begin const decltype ints.begin return.. std list int ints auto begin decltype ints.begin return ints.begin auto begin const decltype ints.begin return ints.begin Ignore.. ints.begin return ints.begin auto begin const decltype ints.begin return ints.begin Ignore the fact of how pointless this code..