c++ Programming Glossary: intermediate
Bitfield manipulation in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1044654/bitfield-manipulation-in-c bits in an integer in C is perhaps one the most common intermediate level programming skills. You set and test with simple bitmasks..
Why is copy constructor called instead of conversion constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11222076/why-is-copy-constructor-called-instead-of-conversion-constructor inherent in this direct initialization by constructing the intermediate result directly into the object being initialized see 12.2 12.8...
Best introduction to C++ template metaprogramming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/112277/best-introduction-to-c-template-metaprogramming 2.9 NullType and EmptyType and 2.10 Type Traits . The best intermediate advanced resource I've found is C Template Metaprogramming by..
Examples of when a bitwise swap() is a bad idea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11638271/examples-of-when-a-bitwise-swap-is-a-bad-idea pass in two different types here all it takes is one intermediate function to implicitly make a derived class look like the parent..
Why do I need strand per connection when using boost::asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12794107/why-do-i-need-strand-per-connection-when-using-boostasio through the strand. Composed operations are unique in that intermediate calls to the stream are invoked within the handler 's strand.. the write loop needs to be posted through a strand. All intermediate handlers and the next iteration of the asynchronous write loop.. make one or more calls to socket_.async_write_some. All intermediate handlers calls after the first are executed within the handler's..
Why should exceptions be used conservatively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1744070/why-should-exceptions-be-used-conservatively source files. This is not always apparent from reading the intermediate source code. It is in Java. Not always anticipated by intermediate.. source code. It is in Java. Not always anticipated by intermediate code The code that gets jumped over may or may not have been..
c++ virtual inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2126522/c-virtual-inheritance are initialized by the most derived class and not by any intermediate base classes that inherits from the virtual base. Which of the..
cout << order of call to functions it prints? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2129230/cout-order-of-call-to-functions-it-prints your code into some thing like any of these pseudo intermediate c . This isn't intended to be an exhaustive list. auto tmp2..
Uses of a C++ Arithmetic Promotion Header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2426330/uses-of-a-c-arithmetic-promotion-header in the math library that I work on for correctly typing intermediate values in expressions. For example you might have a templated..
The best cross platform (portable) arbitrary precision math library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2568446/the-best-cross-platform-portable-arbitrary-precision-math-library 16 32 ... 2 use a char string mentioned above to store the intermediate decimal results . What I appreciate Good comparisons on GMP..
Differences between C++ and C#/.Net [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/291513/differences-between-c-and-c-net a virtual machine. It compiles down to a platform agnostic intermediate code. C creates raw assemblies that run directly on the target..
What belongs in an educational tool to demonstrate the unwarranted assumptions people make in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457967/what-belongs-in-an-educational-tool-to-demonstrate-the-unwarranted-assumptions-p educational tool for SO which should help beginners and intermediate programmers to recognize and challenge their unwarranted assumptions..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176328/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points of the previous statement. An expression may also contain intermediate sequence points . From the above sentence the following expressions..
Qt Tutorials? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/475345/qt-tutorials Qt tutorial for using the designer I'm new to Qt but I'm intermediate in C . c qt share improve this question Although not a..
App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59635/app-does-not-run-with-vs-2008-sp1-dlls-previous-version-works-with-rtm-versions I've double checked the generated manifest files in the intermediate files folder from the compilation and they correctly list the..
Should I learn C before learning C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/598552/should-i-learn-c-before-learning-c In fact its a very hard thing to write proper C because intermediate C programmers tend to write C C instead of proper C . That is..
How computer does floating point arithmetic? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6033184/how-computer-does-floating-point-arithmetic fraction is more than 0.5 scaled and so it rounds up. The intermediate rounded values allow the FPU to carry the rightmost bit all..
How do I expand a tuple into variadic template function's arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687490/how-do-i-expand-a-tuple-into-variadic-template-functions-arguments last one and the compiler will optimize away the various intermediate function calls to only keep the last one which is the equivalent..
Using a DirectShow filter without registering it, via a private CoCreateInstance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11191996/using-a-directshow-filter-without-registering-it-via-a-private-cocreateinstance MEDIATYPE_Audio Media type. pSrc Capture filter. NULL Intermediate filter optional . pMux Mux or file sink filter. hr pBuild RenderStream.. MEDIATYPE_Audio Media type. pSrc2 Capture filter. NULL Intermediate filter optional . pMux Mux or file sink filter. IMediaControl..
DirectShow code crashes after exit (PushSourceDesktop sample) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11249298/directshow-code-crashes-after-exit-pushsourcedesktop-sample pSrc Capture filter. NULL pCompression2 pCompression Intermediate filter optional . IBaseFilter pMux Mux or file sink filter...
Expression templates: improving performance in evaluating expressions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15856122/expression-templates-improving-performance-in-evaluating-expressions sin C 3. Computing time 32ms Two steps instruction Result Intermediate A B Result D Intermediate sin C 3. Computing time 43ms Solution.. Two steps instruction Result Intermediate A B Result D Intermediate sin C 3. Computing time 43ms Solution with auto auto Intermediate.. sin C 3. Computing time 43ms Solution with auto auto Intermediate A B Result D Intermediate sin C 3. Computing time 32ms. In conclusion..
Intermediate results using expression templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1666176/intermediate-results-using-expression-templates results using expression templates in C Template Metaprogramming..
How can I run code on Windows Mobile while being suspended? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336771/how-can-i-run-code-on-windows-mobile-while-being-suspended POWER_FORCE NULL NULL The gpd0 device is the GPS Intermediate driver replace or duplicate call with any device you need e.g...
Hand Coded GUI Versus Qt Designer GUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/387092/hand-coded-gui-versus-qt-designer-gui sort of applications a newbie is likely to start out with. Intermediate level GUIs like say a sticky notes editor with a few toolbar..
How to emulate C array initialization “int arr[] = { e1, e2, e3, … }” behaviour with std::array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6114067/how-to-emulate-c-array-initialization-int-arr-e1-e2-e3-behaviou to make it look nicer. std_array here be elements Edit Intermediate version compiled from various answers looks like this #include..