c++ Programming Glossary: intersecting
Fast intersection of sets: C++ vs C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060648/fast-intersection-of-sets-c-vs-c-sharp i set1.push_back value Try to get half of our values intersecting float ratio 200000.0f RAND_MAX Create 1 000 values for set2.. i set1.push_back value Try to get half of our values intersecting float ratio 200000.0f RAND_MAX Create 1 000 values for set2..
Bind Vs Lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930903/bind-vs-lambda somehow different purposes but lets take an example of intersecting functionality. Using lambda uniform_int distribution 1 6 mt19937..
Fast rectangle to rectangle intersection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2752349/fast-rectangle-to-rectangle-intersection What's a fast way to test if 2 rectangles are intersecting A search on the internet came up with this one liner WOOT but..
Checking if two cubic Bézier curves intersect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4039229/checking-if-two-cubic-bezier-curves-intersect curves With these two properties and an algorithm for intersecting polygons you can recurse to arbitrary precision bezInt B 1 B..
find overlapping rectangles algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7727758/find-overlapping-rectangles-algorithm is the most efficient way to find which rectangles are intersecting or inside A I cannot simply loop through my set as it is too..
Value returning 1.#INF000 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8488841/value-returning-1-inf000 min max t1 t2 max t3 t4 max t5 t6 if tmax 0 ray line is intersecting AABB but whole AABB is behind us if tmax 0 return 1 if tmin..
How can one easily detect whether 2 ROIs intersects in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8714101/how-can-one-easily-detect-whether-2-rois-intersects-in-opencv to detect whether 2 Regions of Interest CvRect s are intersecting one another in OpenCV. I can obviously manually type several..