c++ Programming Glossary: intrusive_ptr
Smart pointer wrapping penalty. Memoization with std::map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15963563/smart-pointer-wrapping-penalty-memoization-with-stdmap usually via atomic operations . If you would use boost intrusive_ptr instead then you can implement your own increment decrement..
Is there a way to increase the efficiency of shared_ptr by storing the reference count inside the controlled object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2569046/is-there-a-way-to-increase-the-efficiency-of-shared-ptr-by-storing-the-reference
shared_ptr: horrible speed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3628081/shared-ptr-horrible-speed the latter does. Finally Have you thought about using intrusive_ptr It could give you some boost hehe if you don't synchronize them..
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available or with multiple pointers to the same object. boost intrusive_ptr I've never used this but from my understanding it's designed.. exactly how much or how little smartness you want. intrusive_ptr is typically more efficient than shared_ptr since it allows.. is a strong smart pointer potentially comparable to boost intrusive_ptr although it has some built in thread safety but it does require..
smart pointers (boost) explained http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569775/smart-pointers-boost-explained would be appreciated scoped_ptr shared_ptr weak_ptr intrusive_ptr Edit#1 Do you guys use boost in production code c boost smart.. counting cannot easily cope with such a situation. intrusive_ptr is like a shared_ptr but it does not keep the reference count.. reference counting mechanism can be stuffed into an intrusive_ptr because the reference count is not anymore internal to the smart..
Using volatile to prevent compiler optimization in benchmarking code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6130100/using-volatile-to-prevent-compiler-optimization-in-benchmarking-code between containers of types boost shared_ptr and boost intrusive_ptr . In order to prevent the compiler from optimizing away the..
Which kind of pointer do I use when? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706192/which-kind-of-pointer-do-i-use-when to shared_ptr std vector T const . Next Boost offers intrusive_ptr which are a lightweight solution if your resource offers reference..
Relevant boost features vs C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851670/relevant-boost-features-vs-c11 Ptr std unique_ptr std shared_ptr std weak_ptr but boost intrusive_ptr still cannot be replaced Swap swapping arrays std swap Tuple..