c++ Programming Glossary: interoperability
How to simulate “Press any key to continue?” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449324/how-to-simulate-press-any-key-to-continue sealed C environment. A big reason for C 's success is interoperability with C. All mainstream platforms are implemented with C interfaces..
Is there a non-atomic equivalent of std::shared_ptr? And why isn't there one in <memory>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15129263/is-there-a-non-atomic-equivalent-of-stdshared-ptr-and-why-isnt-there-one-in type regardless of features used greatly facilitating interoperability between libraries including third party libraries. The cost..
C linkage for function pointer passed to C library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16520951/c-linkage-for-function-pointer-passed-to-c-library For maximum portability yes the C standard only guarantees interoperability with C via functions declared extern C . Practically no most..
trim is not part of the standard c/c++ library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479080/trim-is-not-part-of-the-standard-c-c-library complex to learn and use. With trim there are no major interoperability issues. As long as your third party trim implementation takes..
NullReferenceException during C++ callback to C# function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4906931/nullreferenceexception-during-c-callback-to-c-sharp-function GUI writen in C#. And I have implemented callback for some interoperability. I planed that C dll will call C# code in some circumstances...
Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525609/use-c-with-cocoa-instead-of-objective-c Objective C in Xcode Thanks. c objective c cocoa language interoperability share improve this question You cannot write a Cocoa application..
__cdecl or __stdcall on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6511096/cdecl-or-stdcall-on-windows be distributed as a DLL. My goal is to maximize binary interoperability more precisely the functions in my DLL must be usable from code.. the underscore versions . I've tried the cdecl convention interoperability between MSVC and MinGW works perfectly out of the box and names..
Getting Object Functionallity out of C++ code in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761930/getting-object-functionallity-out-of-c-code-in-c-sharp to explicitly do what you want with managed unmanaged interoperability on the C side and your C# doesn't get polluted with P Invoke..