c++ Programming Glossary: intersect
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection sides of the square. Next locate the four resulting line intersections to detect the corners. The Hough transform is fairly robust.. probably have multiple lines on each side but locating the intersections should help to determine the inliers vs. outliers. Once.. 50 0 0 cout Detected lines.size lines. endl compute the intersection from the lines detected... vector Point2f intersections for..
Fast intersection of sets: C++ vs C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060648/fast-intersection-of-sets-c-vs-c-sharp intersection of sets C vs C# On my machine Quad core 8gb ram running.. x64 Business with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 I am trying to intersect two sets of numbers very quickly. I've implemented two approaches.. C can do. Here is the C# output Release build Found the intersection 1000 times in 4741.407 ms Here is the initial C output for..
Design a nondeterministic finite automata in c++ (incorrect output) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10626414/design-a-nondeterministic-finite-automata-in-c-incorrect-output int next set int iterator it set int final std set int the_intersection Destination of intersect map pair int int char iterator p.. set int final std set int the_intersection Destination of intersect map pair int int char iterator p string inputString cin testCases.. next.insert q first.second current next std set_intersection current.begin current.end final.begin final.end std inserter..
How can you detect if two regular expressions overlap in the strings they can match? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1849447/how-can-you-detect-if-two-regular-expressions-overlap-in-the-strings-they-can-ma Given any pair of NFA it's decidable whether their intersection is empty. If the intersection isn't empty then some string.. it's decidable whether their intersection is empty. If the intersection isn't empty then some string matches both REs in the pair.. of a NFA then you can DeMorgan's law style get the intersection by complement union complement A complement B . Unfortunately..
How to return different classes from one function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2237775/how-to-return-different-classes-from-one-function the size there are three situations for the two balls to intersect with each other i.e non intersection at point a and circle... for the two balls to intersect with each other i.e non intersection at point a and circle. How can I return different class in.. Point Circle IntersectionResult IntersectionResult intersection_test if some_condition return NoIntersection if other_condition..
Checking if two cubic Bézier curves intersect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4039229/checking-if-two-cubic-bezier-curves-intersect if two cubic Bé zier curves intersect For a personal project I'd need to find out if two cubic BĂ©zier.. project I'd need to find out if two cubic BĂ©zier curves intersect. I don't need to know where I just need to know if they do... draw two BĂ©zier splines that we'll call B 0 and B 1 that intersect. Their coordinates are as follow P 0 P 1 P 2 P 3 1 1 2 4 3 4..
Value returning 1.#INF000 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8488841/value-returning-1-inf000 returning 1.#INF000 An intersection algorithm isn't working one of the values tmin evaluates.. min max t1 t2 max t3 t4 max t5 t6 if tmax 0 ray line is intersecting AABB but whole AABB is behind us if tmax 0 return 1 if tmin.. is behind us if tmax 0 return 1 if tmin tmax ray doesn't intersect AABB if tmin tmax return 1 HERE TMIN IS 1.#INFOOO return tmin..