c++ Programming Glossary: interrupted
Why does std::fstream set the EOF bit the way it does? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1039667/why-does-stdfstream-set-the-eof-bit-the-way-it-does reading from a pipe or from a terminal or because read was interrupted by a signal. On error 1 is returned and errno is set appropriately...
How heavy is QObject really? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15763088/how-heavy-is-qobject-really hasty Samaritans who politely rushed to close my question interrupted the answer I was just finishing typing after running a few tests...
Simple Linux Signal Handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17942034/simple-linux-signal-handling sa sa.sa_handler sighandler 2. To restart functions if interrupted by handler as handlers called asynchronously sa.sa_flags SA_RESTART.. this signal. So you can't make a program that cannot be interrupted an uninterrupted program I am not sure but may be you can do.. you can't make a program that cannot be interrupted an uninterrupted program I am not sure but may be you can do something like this..
Waitpid equivalent with timeout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282176/waitpid-equivalent-with-timeout linux share improve this question The function can be interrupted with a signal so you could set a timer before calling waitpid..
How to complete a git clone for a big project on an unstable connection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3954852/how-to-complete-a-git-clone-for-a-big-project-on-an-unstable-connection Linux kernel there is currently no way to restart an interrupted clone. It may take considerable time for a user on the end of.. of a small pipe to download the data and if the clone is interrupted in the middle the user currently needs to start over from the..
Where to get simple Boost Thread Management example? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4102811/where-to-get-simple-boost-thread-management-example void operator try for Check if the thread should be interrupted this_thread interruption_point DoStuff catch boost thread_interrupted.. interruption_point DoStuff catch boost thread_interrupted Thread end protected virtual void DoStuff 0 class ThreadA..
Are C++ Reads and Writes of an int atomic http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54188/are-c-reads-and-writes-of-an-int-atomic put another way can part of the write be complete and get interrupted and then the read happen. For example think of value ox0000FFFF..
Proper way to close a blocking UDP socket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6305441/proper-way-to-close-a-blocking-udp-socket suggested that there might be a problem if recv is interrupted in the middle of reading something. Is this thread safe What's..
I've heard i++ isn't thread safe, is ++i thread-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680097/ive-heard-i-isnt-thread-safe-is-i-thread-safe incrementing it and then replacing it which could be interrupted by a context switch. However I'm wondering about i. As far as..
How is dynamically allocated space freed when a program is interrupted using Ctrl-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7277477/how-is-dynamically-allocated-space-freed-when-a-program-is-interrupted-using-ctr is dynamically allocated space freed when a program is interrupted using Ctrl C Given the following code #include stdio.h int.. 1 return 0 When the above code is compiled and run and is interrupted while in execution by pressing Ctrl C how is the memory allocated..
Socket Timeout in C++ Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933122/socket-timeout-in-c-linux The easiest is to setup an alarm and have connect be interrupted with a signal see UNP 14.2 signal SIGALRM connect_alarm connect_alarm..