c++ Programming Glossary: dpi
What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10586956/what-can-cause-d3d11createdevice-to-fail-with-e-fail Version DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters Not found User DPI Setting Using System DPI System DPI Setting 96 DPI 100 percent.. Setup Parameters Not found User DPI Setting Using System DPI System DPI Setting 96 DPI 100 percent DWM DPI Scaling Disabled.. Not found User DPI Setting Using System DPI System DPI Setting 96 DPI 100 percent DWM DPI Scaling Disabled DxDiag Version..
GDI+ : Changing DPI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11757542/gdi-changing-dpi Changing DPI I have two points that i need be to be clarifief on changing.. points that i need be to be clarifief on changing image DPI from 200 to 100 does it mean that i have to resize the image.. or i could keep the actual dimensions but decrease the DPI. I herd that GDI could be a nice alternative to change the image..
how do I do print preview in win32 c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240243/how-do-i-do-print-preview-in-win32-c on Vista or later make sure you've marked your process as DPI aware . Otherwise if the user is on a high DPI screen Window.. process as DPI aware . Otherwise if the user is on a high DPI screen Window will lie to you and claim that the resolution.. Since so many programs don't adapt well to higher DPI screens Microsoft added high DPI scaling by default starting..
GDI+ : Changing DPI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11757542/gdi-changing-dpi c vb6 gdi gdi share improve this question Changing the dpi of an existing image doesn't make much sense. It records the.. the same physical size on another device with a different dpi setting. Which is how an image you drew in a painting program.. image you drew in a painting program on a monitor with 96 dpi doesn't turn into a postage stamp one sixth the size when you..
how do I do print preview in win32 c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240243/how-do-i-do-print-preview-in-win32-c routines would scale this imaginary unit to the actual dpi used by the target device. The problem with this last approach.. target resolution. On a high resolution device like a 300 dpi laser printer this tweaking is minimal. But on a 96 dpi screen.. dpi laser printer this tweaking is minimal. But on a 96 dpi screen the tweaks can add up to a significant error over the..